Category Archives: Awesomeness

The Best Way To Wake Up

He rolls over to spoon with me, pulling me close and kissing the back of my neck. His hands are exploring my naked flesh, still undressed from our sex the night before. His hands run up my stomach and find my breasts, which he gently cups from behind me. His morning wood is pressed against [...]
Also posted in Sexcapades | Tagged | 3 Comments

Thanksgiving Recipes The Whole Family Can Enjoy

Here are two recipes that I have recently come across that you can enjoy with your family this Thanksgiving. Don’t say I never shared anything worthwhile with you! First up is Testicle Pizza from The Testicle Cookbook: You will need: Bull’s testicles A few rashers bacon, streaky, finely chopped Fresh pepper, finely chopped Onion, finely [...]
Also posted in Diarrhea of the Mind, Sex Miscellany | 3 Comments

Not For The Faint of Heart

I link to a blog on my sidebar called Diary of a Babydyke. I don’t remember how exactly I found Nelfy’s blog, but I enjoy her writing and read her regularly, so I threw up her link. When she checked her statcounter to see where people were finding her blog from, she saw that some [...]
Also posted in Sex Miscellany, Sexuality, With A Little Help From My Friends | 3 Comments

Be Who You Are Sooner

In one of my classes, we watched a documentary entitled West Coast Crones: A Glimpse At the Lives of Nine Old Lesbians. My professor did not tell us the title of the video or what the video was about before showing it to us. However, I must have top-notch gaydar because the second the group [...]
Also posted in SGO | 3 Comments

Great Minds

A while back, I posted using a postcard from PostSecret (that’s a lot of “posts”!) that said, “We accept the love we think we deserve.” It really, really spoke to me and I have been thinking of having the words tattooed on me somewhere. I think it is beautiful and so true, and uplifting as [...]
Posted in Awesomeness | 4 Comments

Thought Provoking

I was having a talk with a high school friend about religion and such, and he made an really interesting point that I had never really considered. I mentioned that I was an atheist, and he said that he was, as well, as “all thinking people should be.” I then said something about it being [...]
Also posted in Soul Searching | 8 Comments


This is the last political post you will read on my blog. I promise. But I just want to say how giddy and excited I am. I feel like something big is happening, and I am so proud to be a part of it. I feel like a much needed change is happening, and I [...]
Posted in Awesomeness | 3 Comments


Today is Election Day. Please, please go vote, even if you don’t vote for the candidate that I want you to. It’s there on my sidebar, so I am not going to try to sway anyone, since I’m sure y’all have already made up your minds.  Though, I think that you should vote for the [...]
Also posted in Population Control and Orgasmic Artillery | 2 Comments

Every Little Bit Helps

I will continue to be excited about women with normal bodies being shown on TV. Especially as sexual, hot, attractive, desirable, and sexy people. Because they are. And Sara Ramirez? Is hot. Exhibit A: And if the actress happens to be playing someone who is getting involved in her first lesbian relationship? Even better. I [...]
Also posted in Caterwauling About The Patriarchy, Eye Candy, SGO, Sexuality | 1 Comment

Good God, Woman

As if I wasn’t already craving women enough this week, I had to come across these pictures of Christina Hendricks, who I have previously worshipped on this blog: She is just absolute perfection. Plus, I have a thing for redheads and she is the sexiest one I have ever seen. Not to mention that she [...]
Also posted in Culture Goes Pop, Eye Candy, Hitachi Magic | 7 Comments
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