
This is the last political post you will read on my blog. I promise. But I just want to say how giddy and excited I am. I feel like something big is happening, and I am so proud to be a part of it. I feel like a much needed change is happening, and I feel inspired. I am really proud of our country for doing the right thing and voting for one of the most positive and unifying candidates that we have had in a really long time. I am so proud of the young people who were such a big part of this election.

This election was huge. Our goals and dreams are greatly influenced by the examples that we see around us, and this election is the first time that children really could look up and say, “Wow, I really can be anything I want.” With both a woman presidential and vice presidential candidate (from different parties, no less) and a man of color as a candidate, children can, for the first time, look around and see people that look like them doing and accomplishing great things.
Seeing the pictures of the voting lines was awe inspiring. I teared up several times. When is the last time that so many people were so passionate about something? So determined to make their voices heard and cast a vote for the person that they thought was best for this country? The candidate that they voted for was irrelevant; they voted. They exercised the privilege that all Americans have and not nearly enough Americans utilize. At a time when our country is in dire straights and in desperate need of patriotism, the people stepped up.

These are all pictures taken of people voting in my county:

And today, I can honestly say that I am proud to be an American.
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  1. April
    Posted November 5, 2008 at 12:47 pm | Permalink

    I'm proud that people got out there and voted, but let's hope they stay involved and passionate about how this country is ran. Because I don't want to hear people complaining about this or that but not doing anything about it. We are apart of the greatest country in the world and we all have a voice!! I just really hope that everyone keeps using it like they did to elect Obama!

  2. eva
    Posted November 6, 2008 at 11:04 am | Permalink

    why does this have to be the last political post in your blog? i like your political posts! it's absolutely fantastic to see that so many people voted!! people are all excited about it here in norway. i hope this will be a continued trend for america:)

  3. Aarkey
    Posted November 6, 2008 at 2:15 pm | Permalink

    I have never in my life cried tears of joy like I have this week. I'm overjoyed, relieved… grateful.

    It's tough to keep a blog sexy when you want to gush about the election, isn't it? I mean… erection results are one thing ;)

    BTW, checkout this awesomeness vid from NYC at 2AM the night of the election:

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