Category Archives: Awesomeness

World’s Most Awesome Person Who Also Happens To Be A Celebrity

I have a new award for the “World’s Most Awesome Person Who Also Happens To Be A Celebrity.” Okay, so maybe I made that word up, but seriously, this woman is fabulous. Her name is Kirsten Vangsness and she plays Garcia on the TV show Criminal Minds (which I have never seen). What is it [...]
Also posted in Caterwauling About The Patriarchy, Culture Goes Pop, Eye Candy, SGO | 3 Comments


I think my brother’s birthday weekend went quite well. This is how I found him this morning.  Notice the food on the table. He was clearly eating and either fell out of the chair, or just got too tired to finish and laid down on the kitchen floor. I have posted this picture every possible [...]
Posted in Awesomeness | 4 Comments


In this post, I talked about face fucking, how much I liked it, and the fact that I really wanted this necklace. Well, Os found the necklace for me and another reader, Wade, was nice enough to buy it for me (Thanks, Wade!)!! Squee! It is hard to take a good picture of it, because [...]
Also posted in BDSM, Sex Miscellany, Submission | 2 Comments

Embarrassing Moments In Photography

I had done this post on my old blog, and a lot of people liked it, so I thought I would do it again. This is kind of an “in my life” post, where I post pictures of me throughout the years, and you can see how gracefully I have aged and matured and grown. [...]
Also posted in Diarrhea of the Mind, Foto | 2 Comments

I Think His Tractor’s Sexy

As we all know, I spend a lot of time talking to people on GChat. Especially Molls. She is my bestest GChat friend. me: i am trying to myspace stalk my newest conquestMolls: niceme: i know that he is friends witha mutual friend who doesnt have a private profileme: so i am being creepyme: though [...]
Also posted in Sex Miscellany, With A Little Help From My Friends | Tagged | 2 Comments

What’s Purple and Orange and Awesome All Over?

My new hair! Check it, yo: Fun, right? What do y’all think?
Also posted in Foto | 4 Comments

G.I. Britni: To Inform and Protect

Okay, so apparently I’m on a “design animated models that are supposed to look like me on the internet” kick this week, and here is my latest one. G.I. Jonny is an HIV/AIDS information and prevention website, and you can make your own G.I action figure, complete with super powers. Here is mine: I got [...]
Also posted in Hitachi Magic, Sex Miscellany | Leave a comment


I am obsessed with Face Your Manga. You can make your own avatar that looks like you and it is fun! How did I do? I’m a little peeved, though, because a) you can make your hair virtually every fun color on Earth except for purple, which my hair has been known to be and [...]
Also posted in Diarrhea of the Mind | 2 Comments


From now on, please call me Miss Fisty McClitoral.  Thanks for the name, Damian.
Also posted in Diarrhea of the Mind, Sex Miscellany | 2 Comments

We Like To Drink And Say Hi

I went to visit TheWaterGirl. We drank. A lot. I tucked her in. I probably needed tucking in myself.
Also posted in Foto | 1 Comment
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