Every Little Bit Helps

I will continue to be excited about women with normal bodies being shown on TV. Especially as sexual, hot, attractive, desirable, and sexy people. Because they are. And Sara Ramirez? Is hot.
Exhibit A:

And if the actress happens to be playing someone who is getting involved in her first lesbian relationship? Even better.
I would like some more of this, plz.
On an unrelated note, the last week has brought a dramatic spike in my traffic, pretty much out of nowhere. Not sure where y’all are coming from, but thanks for stopping by everyone! So, hi to all the new people and thanks for making this blog so much fun to write! Feel free to say hi in the comments or drop me a line anytime, I love to hear from my readers! You guys make this blog worth writing, because really, you are all fabulous.
This entry was posted in Awesomeness, Caterwauling About The Patriarchy, Eye Candy, SGO, Sexuality. Bookmark the permalink. Post a comment or leave a trackback: Trackback URL.

One Comment

  1. Ambitious Blonde
    Posted October 28, 2008 at 10:13 am | Permalink

    OK, I'll delurk then. Hi, Britni! I'm Melissa, and I think you're fabulous too. :)

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