Monthly Archives: September 2008

Wardrobe Malfunction: Masculine and Feminine

I love playing with androgyny. I love to wear items that are typically masculine with items that are insanely feminine. It’s why I love ties and heels in the same outfit Or a wifebeater with a skirt. This day I played with androgyny, but kept everything in the outfit black and/or white. I am wearing: [...]
Posted in Foto, Wardrobe Malfunction | 2 Comments

The Bartender Saga

I will touch on this a little, since I mentioned it yesterday but never really told the whole story on this blog. Bartender and I dated for almost a year. He was a 35-year-old (I’m 23) career bartender with a 13-year-old daughter and was in and out of jail his whole life. While we were [...]
Posted in Relationships, Sex Miscellany | Tagged | 7 Comments


In this post, I talked about face fucking, how much I liked it, and the fact that I really wanted this necklace. Well, Os found the necklace for me and another reader, Wade, was nice enough to buy it for me (Thanks, Wade!)!! Squee! It is hard to take a good picture of it, because [...]
Posted in Awesomeness, BDSM, Sex Miscellany, Submission | 2 Comments

Three Steps Forward, Three Hundred Steps Back

I was doing so well. I hadn’t talked to Bartender in almost 2 months. I had to call him to ask him a question yesterday and I feel like I took 30 steps back emotionally. I feel like I did when we first broke up. He knows how to fuck with my head. Yesterday, though [...]
Posted in Relationships | Tagged | 5 Comments

Battered and Bruised: An Addendum

And for shits and giggles and for lack of anything else to post today, I will add my rug burn on my spine to the injuries I received from The Bruiser this weekend. This is what happens when you fuck on carpeting directly from a shower. Wet skin+friction on carpet= ouch.
Posted in Foto, Marks of Passion, Sex Miscellany, Sexcapades, Submission | Tagged | 1 Comment

I Can See Russia From My House

“Mr. Madison Mrs. Palin, what you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award [...]
Posted in Diarrhea of the Mind, Griping and Kvetching and Bitching | 14 Comments


Right now I drive a black 2003 Volvo S40. It’s a nice car, don’t get me wrong, it’s just not what I would have picked out for myself. When I moved back down to Florida, it was pretty unexpected. I was bribed, and promised 1) a new car, 2) an apartment, 3) a puppy, and [...]
Posted in I Am A Material Girl | 1 Comment

Fish Taco

Me: Mom is making fish of some kind of dinner! TL: Fish sketches me out most of the time Me: I love seafood. TL: Scallops, grilled tuna or dolphin… I like some stuff. But if it’s fishy smelling or tasting… dealbreaker! Me: Like vagina! TL: Hahahaha. EXACTLY. At least The Lawyer and I can agree [...]
Posted in Diarrhea of the Mind, With A Little Help From My Friends | Leave a comment

Happy Girl

I made out with a hot girl last night. I am happy. That is all.
Posted in SGO, Sex Miscellany, Sexcapades, Sexuality | Leave a comment

Know What Kind of Sex I Like?

Holly Hunter in “Saving Grace” (that lipstick, not blood): Nicole Kidman in “Birthday Girl”: From the movie “Secretary”:From “Mad Men”:I will take d) all of the above, thankyouverymuch.
Posted in BDSM, Culture Goes Pop, Eye Candy, Sex Miscellany, Submission | Leave a comment
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