Monthly Archives: August 2009

Genderfork Profile

I was featured on Genderfork yesterday. Go check me out! You can call me… Britni I identify as… A kinky, queer, fabulously high femme that’s perpetually rocking 4 inch heels. As far as third-person pronouns go, … I prefer female pronouns. I’m attracted to… Intelligence. Wit. Sarcasm. Androgyny. Gender fuckery. Non-conformity. Radical ideas. Boys. Girls. [...]
Posted in SGO, With A Little Help From My Friends | 6 Comments

It’s Time I Let Myself Fall

I’ve put off telling you guys about my new master for several reasons. First, I wasn’t sure where things were going to go. It started off as a friendly thing turned strictly a D/s thing, and I think that is what both of us expected. Second, it’s been much more quick and intense than either [...]
Posted in BDSM, Relationships, Submission | Tagged | 10 Comments


Relationships of any kind come down to needs. Are the needs that you want met by the sort of relationship you’re in being met by that relationship? And if the answer is no, it’s time to move on. This goes for romantic relationships, friendships, workplaces, and any other kind of relationship that we can have [...]
Posted in BDSM, Relationships, Submission | Tagged , | 7 Comments

A Drunken Proposal From A Reader

I was going through my inbox tonight and I came across this email that a reader sent to me right after my blog had been found and then the URL had been registered. It made me laugh, and so I’m posting it again. “Before I begin this email. I want to state that I am [...]
Posted in Make Me A Match, With A Little Help From My Friends | 9 Comments

Sleeping Alone

Advizor wrote this post yesterday and it got me thinking about sleeping alone. Well, there’s really not much to think about, really. Because I hate sleeping alone. Loathe it. Even when I’m content and happy being single, sleeping alone is something that I never quite adjust to. Waking up next to no one is probably [...]
Posted in Relationships | 7 Comments

Product Review: Curve

The Curve has seemingly divided the sex toy reviewing world. I’ve not read a review on it yet that is indifferent to it. People either think it’s the BEST. TOY. EVER, or they REALLY, REALLY, REALLY HATE it. I will be one of those that raves about it. I’m a huge fan of g-spot stimulation, and [...]
Posted in Dildo, Population Control and Orgasmic Artillery, Product Reviews | Tagged | 3 Comments

Tell Me What You Want (What You Really, Really Want)

There’s only one way for you to be truly satisfied in bed with a partner: Communicate what it is that you want. People aren’t mind readers. We’re not psychic. If you never tell them that you want your ass slapped and hair pulled, how do you expect them to know that? Chances are, they’re not [...]
Posted in Relationships, Sex Miscellany | 11 Comments

Flower Child

I really just want to show off my awesomely adorable hot pink flowered headband. So I will.
Posted in Foto | 9 Comments

Product Review: Acute

The Acute is an absolutely lovely dildo. It was my first Tantus dildo and I was very excited to finally own such a lovely product. I love my Tantus plug and figured I would love their dildos as well. I was right. My first thought upon seeing the Acute out the package was that it [...]
Posted in Dildo, Population Control and Orgasmic Artillery, Product Reviews | Tagged | 3 Comments

Unconventional Beauty

I went to see Inglourious Basterds tonight and was completely taken with the female lead’s beauty. Her name is Mélanie Laurent and she is a French actress. I like her because she looks like a real, beautiful woman. Her profile is not what people typically look at and call “pretty.” She has a larger nose, [...]
Posted in Culture Goes Pop, Eye Candy | 3 Comments
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