Monthly Archives: November 2008

Tarina Tarantino

Tarina Tarantino is a designer who makes jewelry, hair accessories, and handbags. Her stuff is amazing, and most of it I could never, ever afford. Check out how fun her stuff is. I want it all: So, who’s got 300 bucks lying around to buy me a necklace? Yeah, that’s what I thought. 
Posted in I Am A Material Girl | 2 Comments


My pelvis hurts, my back is bruised, my ribs are sore. My cheekbone hurts, my scalp is tender, my vagina is raw. Eight orgasms and a bottle of wine for me. Two orgasms and a 12-pack of beer for him. Yup, I would say that it was a very good night.
Posted in Sexcapades, Submission | Tagged | 3 Comments

Thanksgiving Recipes The Whole Family Can Enjoy

Here are two recipes that I have recently come across that you can enjoy with your family this Thanksgiving. Don’t say I never shared anything worthwhile with you! First up is Testicle Pizza from The Testicle Cookbook: You will need: Bull’s testicles A few rashers bacon, streaky, finely chopped Fresh pepper, finely chopped Onion, finely [...]
Posted in Awesomeness, Diarrhea of the Mind, Sex Miscellany | 3 Comments

Not For The Faint of Heart

I link to a blog on my sidebar called Diary of a Babydyke. I don’t remember how exactly I found Nelfy’s blog, but I enjoy her writing and read her regularly, so I threw up her link. When she checked her statcounter to see where people were finding her blog from, she saw that some [...]
Posted in Awesomeness, Sex Miscellany, Sexuality, With A Little Help From My Friends | 3 Comments

Icky Twins, Indeed

I have never hidden my contempt for A Shot At Love With Tila Tequila. I hate the way portrays bisexuality and I hate that Tila Tequila is the most public face of the orientation. I hate the way she illegitimizes it. But there is no need for me to beat a dead horse, you guys [...]
Posted in Culture Goes Pop, SGO | 10 Comments


There is something so beautifully voyeuristic about watching someone undress. And I’m not speaking about watching someone who is undressing themselves for you; I’m talking about seeing someone undress like no one is watching. Not a striptease, just a strip. The removal of clothing is such a revealing thing. Nothing is hidden any longer, you [...]
Posted in Eye Candy, Sexuality | 2 Comments

On Sexual Liberation and Feminism

On my previous post, April asked a question in the comments and as I was typing my response, I realized that it was so long that it deserved it’s own post. April asks: “…there was a professional psychiatrist in the audience who said that many women have taken the term feminism and turned it into [...]
Posted in Caterwauling About The Patriarchy, Sexuality, With A Little Help From My Friends | 2 Comments

Ask And You Shall Receive

Peter asks: Do you watch much TV? What is your favorite TV show? Yes, I watch a ton of TV. Most of it is mindless crap, because TV is escapism at its finest to me. My favorite show is definitely Mad Men on AMC. It’s the best show on TV, by far. So, what else [...]
Posted in BDSM, Caterwauling About The Patriarchy, Relationships, Sex Miscellany, Sexcapades, Sexuality, Submission, With A Little Help From My Friends | Tagged | 4 Comments

When It Rains It Pours

Last week was rough. I got pulled over at 4 AM wasted on Wednesday night (please no drunk driving lectures. I’ve gotten enough already and I KNOW I’m too smart for that shit, okay? Thnx.). I had no headlights on and was weaving all over the road. The cops estimated me to be more than [...]
Posted in Griping and Kvetching and Bitching | 7 Comments

Bitchin’ Belts

I was recently on Hot Topic (shut up)’s webpage looking around and was totally amazed at the number of studded belts (which I love) they have. But it wasn’t just the number of studded belts that surprised me, it was the variety of them and all the fun colors and patterns they come in. Belts [...]
Posted in I Am A Material Girl | Leave a comment
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