World’s Most Awesome Person Who Also Happens To Be A Celebrity

I have a new award for the “World’s Most Awesome Person Who Also Happens To Be A Celebrity.” Okay, so maybe I made that word up, but seriously, this woman is fabulous. Her name is Kirsten Vangsness and she plays Garcia on the TV show Criminal Minds (which I have never seen).
What is it that makes her so awesome, you ask? Well, not only does she come off as totally adorable and effervescent in pictures and interviews, not only does she embrace her size and her curves, not only does she not conform to traditional standards of beauty (and is more beautiful for it, because who wants to look like everyone else?), but she has killer freaking style. No, seriously. Check out her red carpet ensembles:

This one was worn to an event for diversity (just so ya know):

Could you not see me wearing half of that? That woman is the shit. The only thing that could make her any cooler was if she was a lesbian. What’s that? She is?

Well, there you go. Coolest woman/celebrity/person EVAR.
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  1. Apollo Unchained
    Posted October 9, 2008 at 7:58 pm | Permalink

    The "I (heart) Black People" t shirt just cracks me up, that is too wickedly funny. God she's got balls (figuratively) to wear that, I love it.

    Posted October 9, 2008 at 11:02 pm | Permalink

    She is the coolest ever. I also highly recommend Criminal Minds. I'll admit that I only started watching during the 2nd season because I like Paget Brewster and she came on the show mid-season, but Garcia quickly became my favorite character. Criminal Minds is a pretty dark show, but what's so great about Garcia is that she's this super-quirky, smart, techie whiz and she brings a bright ray of sunshine into the otherwise grim circumstances that the B.A.U. (FBI's Behavioral Analysis Unit) face. And her style? She carries over a lot of that flair and flash into the role of Garcia: .

  3. theybelongtous
    Posted October 10, 2008 at 1:21 am | Permalink

    i also love the show Criminal Minds…and yes, i totally heart her too…she rocks… :)


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