Monthly Archives: March 2010

What’s in Your Box?: La Petite

My name is La Petite and I’m the writer/photographer/model of Allegory of an Underage Femme Fatale, a blog about my real past and present sexual experiences with a little erotica and a whole lot of photos thrown in. The sexual focus in my life is mostly older men, girls like me and some BDSM. I’m [...]
Posted in Population Control and Orgasmic Artillery, What's In Your Box? | 4 Comments

Packing List

This afternoon, I am getting on a plane to visit Profligacy. This is what we will look like in just a few hours: Photo source. Packing my sex toys often requires more preparation than packing my clothes! This time, I wanted to bring fewer toys than I’ve brought in the past. This is what my [...]
Posted in Population Control and Orgasmic Artillery | Tagged | 2 Comments

Monogamy is Not the Only Answer

I admire Mo’Nique a lot. I think she was fantastic in Precious. I admire her ability to buck traditional standards of beauty, especially in Hollywood, and refuse to shave her legs. And I admire the fact that she has spoken publicly about the fact that she and her husband have an open marriage. Monogamy is [...]
Posted in Culture Goes Pop, Griping and Kvetching and Bitching, Relationships, Sex Miscellany, Sexuality | 28 Comments

Product Review: High Roller

I was excited for the chance to review the Evolved High Roller. I’ve only ever had one straight vibe that I enjoyed, and I’m always interested in if I’ll ever be able to find another one. Evolved makes some very nice products, and I own one of their vibes, but it came with a broken [...]
Posted in Population Control and Orgasmic Artillery, Product Reviews, Vibrator | Tagged | 19 Comments

Cherry Bomb

Such a tempting offer… hey u look really beautiful, i just turned 18, can u take my virginity away? but, no. Photo source.
Posted in Make Me A Match | 3 Comments


It’s really easy to judge other people. It’s really easy to look at someone else and say, “I’d never do that.” However, until you’re in their shoes, you never really know what you would do. We all sit on our high horses and judge other people’s decisions. From something as simple as, “I can’t believe [...]
Posted in Relationships, Soul Searching | 13 Comments

Product Review: Tantus Hank

My first words upon taking Tantus’ Hank out of it’s package were, “He’s beautiful!” And he is, but only if realistic dildos are your thing. If they’re not, you can stop right here, because Hank is not for you. He’s made from the Tantus silicone that I’ve fallen in love with, however, instead of the [...]
Posted in Dildo, Girl On Film, Population Control and Orgasmic Artillery, Product Reviews | Tagged | 19 Comments

Product Review: Crystal Delights Glass Plug

A new company called Virtually Adult offered me their Crystal Delights glass plug to review, and I jumped at the chance. I have been coveting two things (okay, I covet a lot of things, but two of them include…) for a long time: a glass plug, and a jeweled plug. This was the best of [...]
Posted in Anal Toy, Population Control and Orgasmic Artillery, Product Reviews | Tagged | 22 Comments

Bearded Ladies

In our society, we expect our women to be hairless. They should shave their legs, their underarms, their pubic hair. Some women eschew that because they want to. But some women can’t help the hair that grows on their body. Whether it’s PCOS or hirsutism, or something they keep by choice, excess hair doesn’t make [...]
Posted in Standards of Beauty | 10 Comments

What’s In Your Box?: Jon’s Babydoll

I am Jon’s Babydoll.  I am a self admitted blogaholic at The Blogging Slave.  Always listening to music and thinking about sex.  Loves the word cunt and only uses the word vagina when talking to her cat who thankfully only meows back.  Nothing pleases this cunt more than getting choked and beaten. A simple girl [...]
Posted in Population Control and Orgasmic Artillery, What's In Your Box? | Leave a comment
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