Monthly Archives: September 2009

The Beautiful Me

Last week I posted an HNT photo of what I considered to be my biggest physical flaw. This week, I’ve posted one of my favorite body parts. I love my hands. I think they fit my body perfectly. My fingers are long and thin, like the rest of me. I have soft, delicate, girlish hands [...]
Posted in Bringing Sexy Back (NSFW), Foto, Soul Searching | 30 Comments

Product Review: Leo

The Leo by Vixen Creations is a beautiful silicone dildo. It’s smooth and sleek, and looks much like I envision the most perfect cock in the world would look. It’s realistic in shape and comes in realistic colors, as well. However, it also comes in a variety of other colors, too. My Leo is black. [...]
Posted in Dildo, Population Control and Orgasmic Artillery, Product Reviews | Tagged | 7 Comments

Group Post: Dark and Stormy Night

It was a dark and stormy night, like so many summer nights tend to be. It was fitting, really. The weather outside matched the darkness in his eyes, the darkness of my mood, the storminess of our relationship. The thunder served to compliment our argument, adding sound effects and emphasis at all the right moments. [...]
Posted in Group Post, It Felt Like A Kiss, Soul Searching | Tagged | 8 Comments

Group Post: Dark and Stormy Night

This story was written by my Master as a contribution to this week’s group post following the prompt, “It was a dark and stormy night…” The line between awake and the subconscious is an amazingly deep divide. Frustration is waking before the alarm burps revile, right at the pivotal moment in an amazing sex dream, [...]
Posted in Group Post | Tagged | 2 Comments

Chew Toy

My dog ate my Smartballs. For the record, they were clean. However, I can see how they would make a fantastic chew toy for a teething puppy.
Posted in Diarrhea of the Mind, Population Control and Orgasmic Artillery | 14 Comments

Fucking Bisexual, Dyke, Freak, Whatever The Fuck

“Yeah, they label me a bisexual freak stripper that fucks Kanye on a daily basis. [Laughs.] You know: ‘Amber Rose, the fucking bisexual, dyke, freak, whatever the fuck.’ To answer that: I’m extremely open with my sexuality. I can be in love with a woman, I can be in love with a man. I’m not [...]
Posted in Culture Goes Pop, SGO, Sexuality, Standards of Beauty | 2 Comments

Wardrobe Malfunction: LBD

How do *you* rock a Little Black Dress? This is how I do it. Dress from Forever 21 Socks by American Apparel Boots by Diba What you do you think?
Posted in Foto, Wardrobe Malfunction | 7 Comments

A Whore to Take Home To Mother

From the beginning the conversation never dropped. How unusual. This is probably the most significant thing I appreciate about Britni. The fact we constantly crave this interchange, even when we don’t converse at all, at least not verbally, is interesting to me. I can’t recall a connection to this degree that gives me a desire [...]
Posted in BDSM, Relationships | Tagged | 11 Comments


Veronica over at Another Suburban Mom has asked people to post pictures of their flaws for this week’s HNT. I stopped participating in HNT almost three years ago, but I felt compelled to post something for this one. I’m a huge proponent of embracing and celebrating your flaws, because I think that our beauty lies [...]
Posted in Bringing Sexy Back (NSFW), Foto, Soul Searching, Standards of Beauty | Tagged | 48 Comments

Same Shit, Different Site

Online dating sites are cesspools full of morons and douchebags. You have to weed through a lot of crap to even find one person worth talking to. But lifestyle websites are a breed all their own. They are still cesspools full of morons and douchebags, but they are home to a different type of moron [...]
Posted in BDSM, Make Me A Match, Rape Culture, Relationships | 10 Comments
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