Monthly Archives: September 2009


Artwork by Tracey Emin.
Posted in BDSM, Sex Miscellany, Submission | Tagged | 4 Comments

On Watersports

On my post about the dichotomy between my job and my personal life, I mentioned partaking in watersports with my Master. April left the following comment: “I would like to add that I have never understood why anyone would want to be pissed on or want to piss on someone. I cannot see the eroticism [...]
Posted in BDSM, Sex Miscellany, Submission | Tagged | 10 Comments

Product Review: Under the Bed Restraints

I love being bound and restrained, but I don’t have a headboard or anything that I can easily be tied to. Add that to the fact that the person that I play with does not live near me and I have to travel to meet Him and there’s no guarantee about what the bed will [...]
Posted in BDSM, BDSM, Population Control and Orgasmic Artillery, Product Reviews, Sexcapades, Submission | Tagged , | 5 Comments


There is such a divide between the environment I work in and the life that I live. In many ways, my job makes total sense and is perfect for the kind of person that I am. In other ways, they seem like incompatible and incongruous worlds. I spend my days teaching women about the danger [...]
Posted in BDSM, It Felt Like A Kiss, Submission | Tagged | 19 Comments


Loving is another way of giving yourself to someone. Allowing yourself to be vulnerable to someone emotionally is really all there is left to give, once flesh has been yielded, and when even words fail to capture the tormenting drive to be even closer yet. Knowing, and more importantly, letting someone else know, that they [...]
Posted in BDSM, Foto, Relationships | Tagged | 7 Comments


I cannot travel without drama. It’s impossible. There was the time I booked my ticket for the wrong month and showed up to the airport thinking that I was leaving that day and ended up having to pay through the nose to get on a flight. Or the time that I got to the airport [...]
Posted in Griping and Kvetching and Bitching | Tagged | 2 Comments


This weekend gave me a lot of things to consider, to ponder, and to think about. It was wonderful. I will write about it as it comes, as, I’m sure, will Master. I’m still digesting it all, but I will say that this weekend cemented the fact that this is the man that I want [...]
Posted in Relationships, Submission | Tagged | 11 Comments

Product Review: Silk Medium

It should be no secret by now that I’m a huge fan of Tantus products. I don’t actually think that there is anyone that has tried a Tantus product that isn’t a fan of them. So when I began my mission to learn to enjoy anal penetration, I knew that when I was ready for [...]
Posted in Dildo, Population Control and Orgasmic Artillery, Product Reviews | Tagged | 2 Comments

All In The Family

Dr. J and Mr. H composed a survey to see what people considered “mainstream” sexual behaviors/activities (meaning things they participate in on a regular basis) and what they considered “kinky” (meaning “too kinky for me, but if other people are into it, that’s their prerogative”) and “taboo” (this should be illegal). I was filling it [...]
Posted in Caterwauling About The Patriarchy, Psychobabble, Relationships, Sex Miscellany, Sexuality | 7 Comments

The Whole Package

My Master’s post* outlining His favorite things about my subbiness or style of submission was a really informative and eye-opening look into the things that He looks for in a submissive, as well as the things about my submission that He finds so attractive and desirable. I figured I should write a comparable post from [...]
Posted in BDSM, Relationships, Submission | Tagged | 9 Comments
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