Monthly Archives: February 2009

Judging Victims of Domestic Violence is Never Okay

“The question isn’t ‘Why does she stay?’ But ‘How can she flee?’  Unless you’ve been the victim  Of power and control  You may not ever sympathize  With the ones who will not go.”  -Anna Fisher, Stop the Silence-Break the Violence I have refrained from talking about the Rihanna and Chris Brown incident. Considering I work [...]
Posted in Caterwauling About The Patriarchy, Culture Goes Pop, Griping and Kvetching and Bitching, It Felt Like A Kiss, Psychobabble, Relationships | 4 Comments

Double Standards

When people, including The Bruiser’s friends, find out that we still sleep together even though we don’t talk or interact in any other capacity, their responses are always the same. “Don’t let him disrespect you like that.” “He’s treating you like that because you are letting him.” “Why are you letting him use you?” “If [...]
Posted in Sex Miscellany | Tagged | 1 Comment

American Idol Is Still Really, Really Gay

I would not call American Idol a queer friendly show. They want to be family friendly and appeal to a lot of people, and families and mainstream America just isn’t really down with the gays. But every year, there are contestants who send my gaydar ping-ping-pinging. I mean, these are performers, and while I hate [...]
Posted in Culture Goes Pop | Leave a comment


The Arrested Development movie is gonna happen! Michael Cera finally signed on to the project. I cannot begin to tell you how excited I am for this.
Posted in Culture Goes Pop | 3 Comments

Food Porn: Burgers

I am watching Build A Better Burger III on The Food Network and am DYING for a gourmet burger. These burgers look SO GOOD, and I am drooling over them. There are two categories: beef burgers and alternative burgers, which are made from anything other than beef. Born in Berkeley Burgers (winning beef burger): Paella [...]
Posted in Awesomeness, Food Pr0n | 3 Comments


A DISCLAIMER: The post ended up being much more educational than many of my other posts regarding Standards of Beauty. I didn’t intend it to be that way. I usually write these posts to celebrate the beauty that can be found in every person, and the beauty that exists in diversity. However, due to the [...]
Posted in Eye Candy, Standards of Beauty | 9 Comments


Dealing with the aftermath of my sexual assault has been enlightening. And difficult. But I say enlightening because I work with battered women, and many of these women were sexually assaulted, molested, raped, or sexually abused by people that they knew and trusted. And while I wish more than anything that I had not experienced [...]
Posted in Psychobabble, Rape Culture, Sex Miscellany, Soul Searching | Tagged | 9 Comments

The Most Insanely Awesome Words Ever Spoken

Vh1′s show I Love Money is a trainwreck of epic proportions. This week, “T-Weed,” in an attempt to prevent himself from being eliminated, spewed this gem: “You know the history of Mexico and American Indians and when the Pilgrims came and the first thing the Pilgrims did was give the Indians sour and infected sheets. [...]
Posted in Culture Goes Pop, Diarrhea of the Mind | 3 Comments

Dream Home

Thanks to Penny and Allison, I now have an addiction to Apartment Therapy. So these are some of the spaces that I covet and need in a house of mine some day. It is also Allison’s fault that I am now addicted to Design*Sponge. I found more rooms for my nonexistent house there. Isn’t my [...]
Posted in I Am A Material Girl | 3 Comments

Another Repeat Offender

Remember this guy? He just sent me another message. “good morning its a deilght to meet u your a very passionate honest caring lady are u just getting in now at 345 in the morning kisses brian” Just so you know, I hide my status on the site, so people cannot know whether or not [...]
Posted in Make Me A Match | 1 Comment
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