Food Porn: Burgers

I am watching Build A Better Burger III on The Food Network and am DYING for a gourmet burger. These burgers look SO GOOD, and I am drooling over them. There are two categories: beef burgers and alternative burgers, which are made from anything other than beef.
Born in Berkeley Burgers (winning beef burger):

Paella Burgers (shrimp and chicken burger):

Opa! Burgers (winning alternative burger, lamb and mushroom burger):
Mirin Glazed Burgers with Sesame-Ponzu Spinach and Wasabi-Ginger Mayonnaise (beef burger):

Masala Burgers with Tangy Tamarind Sauce and Red Onion-Mint Relish (beef burger):
Honey-Chipotle Glazed Beef Burgers with Mint-Avocado Sauce (beef burger):
Feta Florentine Burgers with Frizzled Prosciutto on Parmesan-Toasted Ciabatta Rolls (beef burger):
Coconut Basil Chicken Burgers with Thai Peanut Pesto (chicken burger):
Casablanca Bisteeya Burger (turkey burger):
Bouillabaisse Burgers with Tomato-Fennel Relish and Saffron Mayonnaise (red snapper and shrimp burger):
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  1. Daniela
    Posted February 26, 2009 at 12:25 am | Permalink

    Oh God. I hate you for posting pictures of delicious-looking food at this time a day.

  2. Calei
    Posted February 26, 2009 at 3:17 am | Permalink


    Now I want to go cook, and I know I won't, since I'll be sleeping soon. Ish.


    If you want to make "gourmet" food, try investing in a toaster oven.

    Best stuff evarrrrrr.

    Especially with deli-style sandwiches.

    Posted March 1, 2009 at 6:50 pm | Permalink

    some of those burgers are actually kind of comical in appearance. especially second to last.

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