Category Archives: Relationships


I’ve known it all along. I don’t know whether to feel better because he finally said it or worse because he only said it knowing that I was leaving.
Posted in Relationships | Tagged | 2 Comments

Fear and Loathing

I stared at the screen and felt a wave of terror wash over my body. I looked over my shoulder to make sure no one was there. It was a feeling I hadn’t felt in over a year and a half. Looking at the screen, I couldn’t take my eyes off of It. Sitting in [...]
Also posted in Griping and Kvetching and Bitching, It Felt Like A Kiss, Soul Searching | Tagged | 6 Comments


When I get angry or upset or sad or stressed, I regress. I whine. I become very stubborn and nothing can make me feel better. No matter what is said or offered, I want none of it and I continue to pout, regardless of what the other person is trying to do to comfort me. [...]
Also posted in Soul Searching, Submission | Tagged | 1 Comment

Schoolyard Crush

As I alluded to in this post, Dude and I flirt like two kids on a playground. I push him down, but only because he pulled my hair first. It’s our way of letting each other know we have a crush on each other. I had the same kind of banter, teasing, and chops-busting with [...]
Also posted in Awesomeness | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

Differences in Submission

I’m sexually submissive with 95% of the people that I’m with. I’m NEVER sexually dominant, but with some partners there’s a much more equal feeling to the sex we have. However, the majority of the time, I’m submissive in some regard, even it’s something as simple as having my wrists held down. But just as [...]
Also posted in BDSM, Sexuality, Submission | Tagged , | 25 Comments

Um, No, That’s Still Racist

I recently grew some balls and did something I’ve never done before. I was eating a meal by myself, and thought my waiter was adorable. So I left my number in the billfold with the tip. And lo and behold, he actually called! We’ve gone out a few times now, and so far I really [...]
Also posted in Caterwauling About The Patriarchy, Parental Control | 12 Comments

Engaged in Monogamy

How do diamond rings and monogamy guarantee a life of intensity and passion? Because giving her a diamond ring means monogamy? If you want a monogamous relationship, why does it take a ring to make it monogamous? Again, it’s just another example of pop culture and mainstream society imposing the dominant relationship model as the [...]
Also posted in Caterwauling About The Patriarchy, Griping and Kvetching and Bitching, Sexuality | 10 Comments

Not Enough

Sometimes, no matter how much you love someone, it’s not enough. Sometimes, no matter how much you love someone, circumstances are such that it’s difficult to make things work. Sometimes, no matter how much you love someone, you are just not capable of giving them what they want and need. And when that’s the case, [...]
Also posted in Breaking Up Is Hard To Do | Tagged | 10 Comments

Sexy Product Name Fail

Least sexy name for a game ever, y/y? Hey, I’ve got nothing against monogamy! I just think that if you’re trying to make a “hot” board game, there are many other things you could name it that would make it sound a lot… steamier? It also seems to me that naming a board game “Monogamy” [...]
Also posted in Diarrhea of the Mind, Population Control and Orgasmic Artillery, Sex Miscellany | 2 Comments

Monogamy is Not the Only Answer

I admire Mo’Nique a lot. I think she was fantastic in Precious. I admire her ability to buck traditional standards of beauty, especially in Hollywood, and refuse to shave her legs. And I admire the fact that she has spoken publicly about the fact that she and her husband have an open marriage. Monogamy is [...]
Also posted in Culture Goes Pop, Griping and Kvetching and Bitching, Sex Miscellany, Sexuality | 28 Comments
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