Monthly Archives: June 2010


I’m not one of those people that can have a quickie in the car and go right back to the party, pretending nothing happened. You see, while I don’t smoke weed, I can still get stoned. Yes, that’s right. Sex makes me stoned. After sex, even if I don’t orgasm, I’m totally out of it. [...]
Posted in Sex Miscellany | 6 Comments

Sexual Assault Treatment Fail

I just had an absolutely horrible experience at my local sexual assault treatment center. I’ve been having trouble finding a therapist that I like and I wanted someone that specialized in sexual assault and trauma because the main reason that I’m seeking help is because of my rape last year. The rape was the catalyst [...]
Posted in Griping and Kvetching and Bitching, Psychobabble, Rape Culture, Self Medication | 15 Comments

Review: Billy Castro Does The Mission

I’ve made my love for Billy Castro very well known. I think he’s pretty much the hottest thing ever, so I was really excited when I found out that he was going to star in his very own full length porn, Billy Castro Does the Mission, directed by Courtney Trouble. Good Vibes was kick ass [...]
Posted in Population Control and Orgasmic Artillery, Porn, Product Reviews | Tagged | 20 Comments

Hard Water Stains

Um… has anyone else seen this Lime-A-Way commercial? Am I the only one that think it reeks of undertones of domestic violence? Like, why would you have to be embarrassed and lie about how you injured yourself if you had done so scrubbing hard water stains? You wouldn’t. And lying to cover up bruises and [...]
Posted in Griping and Kvetching and Bitching, It Felt Like A Kiss | Tagged | 9 Comments

What’s In Your Box?: Sapio Slut

1. I blog as SapioSlut. I am a slut. A few different kinds of slut. The first two that come to mind is an exhibitionist slut and a learning slut. Oh, and there’s a cuddle slut side too. I’ve been getting to know my inner slut – it is very fun! I’m a personal development [...]
Posted in What's In Your Box? | 1 Comment

Wardrobe Malfunction: Color Splash

I went out the other night and totally loved my outfit. It was so colorful and fun! Remember, kids: every color is a neutral. I am wearing: Plum strapless satin dress from Forever 21 Forest green stirrup tights from American Apparel Hot pink studded pumps by Michael Hot pink flowered headband from Forever 21 Long [...]
Posted in Foto, Wardrobe Malfunction | 2 Comments

Product Review: Woody

Vixen Creations has quickly become one of my favorite sex toy manufacturers. I own quite a few of their toys, and my goal is to collect them all! They make stellar, high quality products, and I pretty much want everything they make. So when gave me the chance to review the Vixen Woody, I [...]
Posted in Dildo, Population Control and Orgasmic Artillery, Product Reviews | Tagged | 11 Comments

The Irishman

So… I met someone. And I kinda like him am smitten. We had our first date on a Thursday night a couple weeks back. I left  that Friday morning when he went to work (no sex; just some dry humping and possibly second base. What kind of girl do you think I am?!). And then, [...]
Posted in Make Me A Match | Tagged | 5 Comments

Adventures in Packing, Or, Product Review: Mr. Limpy

I’ve wanted a packing cock for a while now. I love gender fuckery in all its forms, and have always loved the thought of wearing my very feminine clothing with a cock packed underneath it. So, when gave me the chance to review a Mr. Limpy, I was psyched. Adventures in Packing: Day 1 [...]
Posted in Miscellaneous Toy, Population Control and Orgasmic Artillery, Product Reviews, SGO, Sexuality | Tagged | 23 Comments

Walk of Shut the Fuck Up

So, Too Faced, a makeup brand, has a new kit that you can buy. The Walk of Shame Set. From the website: What it is: An all-you-need overnight survival kit to plan for those spontaneous dusk-till-dawn rendezvous! What it does: The Walk Of Shame set will get you out the door and walking home without [...]
Posted in Caterwauling About The Patriarchy, Standards of Beauty | 19 Comments
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