Monthly Archives: June 2010

Know Who I’ve Always Fantasized About? Tonya Harding.

My friend sent me the most glorious site I have ever had the pleasure of stumbling across on the internet. Erotic fantasies about Tonya Harding. Yes, THAT Tonya Harding. Also, this Tonya Harding. And this Tonya Harding. So. These dudes really love Tonya Harding. So much that they write slash fiction about her. And you [...]
Posted in Awesomeness, Culture Goes Pop, Sex Miscellany | 12 Comments

“I’m Not Racist!”

I just saw this clip from Bad Girls Club that left my mouth hanging open. This girl, Kate, doesn’t put her foot in her mouth once, doesn’t do it twice, does it THREE times. And that doesn’t even count the backhanded stereotypes she manages to slip in that aren’t as blatant. Please, watch this whole [...]
Posted in Caterwauling About The Patriarchy, Culture Goes Pop, Griping and Kvetching and Bitching | 7 Comments

What’s In Your Box?: Jess Manifesto

I am Jess Manifesto, a mom, massage therapist, and fanatic about all things French. I blog my true life sex stories, my toy reviews, and my ever popular Monday Morning Hotness at Fantastically Naughty. 2. My toy collection is evolving and expanding more and more all the time. Before I started reviewing in March, I [...]
Posted in What's In Your Box? | Tagged | 2 Comments

Product Review: Just in Case

I’m in love… with a condom compact. You see, I always carry my own condoms. It used to be because a) I’ve always been a condom snob, and b) you’d be shocked (SHOCKED, I tell you!) to discover how many dudes either don’t carry any or don’t have any. But now that I’m allergic to [...]
Posted in Population Control and Orgasmic Artillery, Product Reviews, Storage and Sex Furniture | 12 Comments

Nice Melons!

The Irishman doesn’t necessarily want me telling his friends that we met online, which is fine. So when his friend asked me how we met, I said, “We were standing in line at the grocery store, and I noticed him checking out my melons.” He’s okay with that story.
Posted in Make Me A Match | Tagged | 7 Comments

Medication Diaries: Entry 4

So, after deciding to go off Seasonique, I asked my gyno about other options. I inquired about an IUD, an option he had shot down a year or two ago. He was hesitant to give me one, discussed with me the risks, and gave me the pamphlets to take home on both kinds (Mirena (hormonal) [...]
Posted in Medication Diaries, Population Control and Orgasmic Artillery | Tagged , | 4 Comments

Pleasurists #81

Sugarlight via ModelMayhem Welcome to Pleasurists, a round-up of the adult product and sex toy reviews that came out in the last seven days. For updates and information follow our RSS Feed and Twitter. Did you miss Pleasurists #80? Read it all here. Do you have a review for Pleasurists #82? Be sure to read [...]
Posted in Pleasurists | Leave a comment


While I may not participate anymore, I was one of the initial participants in HNT 5 years ago. I have my reasons for no longer participating, but I still support it whole-heartedly. A lot of the bloggers that I follow, who are fairly new to the blogging game, have begun participating in HNT. Which is [...]
Posted in With A Little Help From My Friends | 5 Comments

What This Message Lacks in Punctuation, It Makes Up For In Lameness*

Am I the only one that gets excessive numbers of marriage proposals and/or references to marrying the person in initial messages on dating sites? Because I get a lot. how is my future mrs Pete tonight lol is rained most of the weekend here so I cleaned my house and wathed movies and where the [...]
Posted in Make Me A Match | 4 Comments

Woodgasm Giveaway!

So, y’all know Epiphora. If you don’t, then you clearly don’t read this blog very much, considering the fact that she’s mentioned enough to have earned her own tag. Well anyway, ‘Piph is have a super awesome giveaway over at her place, and you guys should really check it out. What, exactly, is she giving [...]
Posted in Population Control and Orgasmic Artillery | Tagged | 1 Comment
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