Monthly Archives: May 2009


Some of the things that I’ve used to describe me or things about myself in the last 5 minutes: “It’s okay to succumb to my awesomeness and fabulosity.” “It’s pretty impossible not to get sucked into my vortex of kick-assness.” “You can’t resist the the magnetic force of my feminine wiles.” I think these are [...]
Posted in Awesomeness | 2 Comments

Part-Time Lovers

I had my iPod on shuffle today and Stevie Wonder’s “Part-Time Lover” came on. I hadn’t really ever listened to the lyrics before, but they are highly appropriate to the situation I have going on with The Bruiser right now.. “We are undercover passion on the runChasing love up against the sunWe are strangers by [...]
Posted in Culture Goes Pop, Relationships, Sex Miscellany | Tagged | 2 Comments

Fuck The Pain Away

Not only does it not work, sometimes it makes it worse or adds more. I keep doing it anyway. I’m a masochist, both physically and emotionally, it seems. “Fuck the pain away. Fuck the pain away. Fuck the pain away. Fuck the pain away. Fuck the pain away. Fuck the pain away. Fuck the pain [...]
Posted in Sex Miscellany, Soul Searching | 3 Comments

A Big Dick. That’s It

My love for Lady GaGa continues to grow exponentially. The first 40 seconds of this interview are HILARIOUS.After watching the interview in which she said, “Maybe I have a huge donkey dick,” my love for her has known no bounds. And it just keeps getting better. Interviewer: “…the entertainer is downright clear on what she [...]
Posted in Awesomeness, Culture Goes Pop, Lady Gaga, Sex Miscellany | 5 Comments

Girlie Boner In Full Effect

Jacoby Ellsbury makes me happy in my pants. He is beyond yummy. You have no idea the kinds of things I would let him do to me. You name it, he can do it. And not only is he insanely easy on the eyes, he’s a helluva baseball player, too. The perfect specimen? Quite possibly. [...]
Posted in Eye Candy | 1 Comment

Is He or Isn’t He (And Why Does It Matter)?

The speculation regarding Adam Lambert’s sexuality does not appear to be going away any time soon. When asked upfront about it, Adam says:  I want to just get this question out of the way first, something that’s been dangling a bit over you for the whole season: Would you like to put to rest all [...]
Posted in Culture Goes Pop, Griping and Kvetching and Bitching, SGO | 2 Comments

And Then I Became Greedy

Jezebel posted a piece on artist Tracey Emin’s new show, called “Those Who Suffer Love.” This was the picture that accompanied the article, and its the artist standing in front of a piece from her show. I couldn’t find a picture of this piece without her standing in front of it, but for obvious reasons, [...]
Posted in Sex Miscellany, Soul Searching | Tagged | 5 Comments

Winning Record

I’m now two for two on ex-boyfriends currently living with the women they cheated on me with.
Posted in Breaking Up Is Hard To Do, Griping and Kvetching and Bitching | Tagged , | 3 Comments

Texts From This Morning

“Do you realize that we’ve been fucking almost a year and you treat me like a piece of shit? I don’t think that asking you to treat me like a human being in the morning, or even in the bar, is asking very much. The only thing worse than how badly you disrespect me is [...]
Posted in Sex Miscellany | Tagged | Leave a comment

Loose Associations

I am a very sexual person. This can be a problem when it comes to dating and boundaries, especially with men. People tend to misinterpret this and assume that I’ll sleep with anyone, that I’m a huge slut, or that they can say whatever they want to me. Just because I’m open to talking about [...]
Posted in Griping and Kvetching and Bitching, Make Me A Match, Rape Culture, Sex Miscellany, Sexuality | 8 Comments
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