Monthly Archives: June 2008

GChat and Molls: Successfully Helping Me Avoid Productivity

While at the office, I have found that I would much rather talk on Gmail Chat than do anything of actual value or substance. What is the point of being productive when I can conversations such as the following with Molls: me: so, um, i have something crunchy feeling in my (no longer purple) hairme: i [...]
Posted in Diarrhea of the Mind, With A Little Help From My Friends | 2 Comments


I am totally obsessed with this acronym I just discovered. “FABGLITTER” is an inclusive acronym for Fetish, Allies, Bisexual, Gay, Lesbian, Intersexed, Transgender, Transsexual Engendering Revolution. I am dumbfounded that during all of my work, research, and involvement in the queer community I never stumbled across it before. I found it while researching a bisexual [...]
Posted in Awesomeness, SGO, Sexuality | 1 Comment

"He Will TOTALLY Give Me A Rim Job!"

My gay boy and I went out for sushi and martinis last night. We were sitting in a cute little martini bar that had couches, and the couch across from us was empty. This couple in their mid- to late forties came over and asked if they could sit with us. We talked for a [...]
Posted in Sexcapades | 1 Comment

Bisexuality Part II: Sexuality Bi Britni

Part I “Sex is a continuum. You go through different phases along life’s way … and if you don’t, you’ve been sort of cheated.” –Gore Vidal “I’m looking for the same qualities in a man as I am in a woman” -Alice, The L Word I fell in love with these bisexual moons. I think [...]
Posted in Relationships, SGO, Sexuality | Leave a comment

Bisexuality Part I: This Is Not Good Bi

“The time has come, I think, when we must recognize bisexuality as a normal form of human behavior. . . we shall not really succeed in discarding the straitjacket of our cultural beliefs about sexual choice if we fail to come to terms with the well-documented, normal human capacity to love members of both sexes.”- Margaret [...]
Posted in Relationships, SGO, Sexuality | 4 Comments

Say No More, Mon Amour

My brother spent a month in Europe and he brought me back a present. A condom that says “I ♥ Paris.” Does he know me or does he know me?
Posted in Awesomeness, Population Control and Orgasmic Artillery, Sex Miscellany | Leave a comment

Why Is She Single?

I was talking to my mom about a friend of mine, and the following conversation took place: Mom: “How old is she?” Me: “31.” Mom: “Why is she still single? What’s wrong with her?” I don’t understand why something has to be wrong with someone who is still single and over 30. Didn’t Sex and [...]
Posted in Caterwauling About The Patriarchy, Relationships | 1 Comment

Close to Home

Posted in Relationships, Sexcapades, Soul Searching | Leave a comment


No makeup. No lighting.No pretense.Just me.
Posted in Foto | 2 Comments


I have had more than 15 orgasms tonight. This is why I shouldn’t be left home alone on a Friday night. I didn’t do it alone, though. I had a little help from my friend.
Posted in Hitachi Magic, Population Control and Orgasmic Artillery, Sex Miscellany, Wanking | Leave a comment
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