Monthly Archives: May 2008

Why Do You Like Girls?

This weekend, I realized why I don’t go out places where straight people (especially men) gather. Especially when I’m on a date with a hot girl. First of all, everyone that is my anti-type gathers at straight bars/clubs (seriously, any bar with a punching bag in the middle that gives you a numerical value regarding [...]
Posted in SGO, Sexuality | 1 Comment

It Didn’t Have to Be Like This

I knew that it was too easy. When I initially broke up with Bartender, he handled it wonderfully. He told me, “You deserve better than me,” “I wasn’t a good boyfriend,” “I’m sorry I let you down,” “No hard feelings,” and “Don’t think about it as losing me, think about it as freeing yourself.” But [...]
Posted in Breaking Up Is Hard To Do, Relationships | Tagged | 3 Comments

The End

I am single again. There were a lot of reasons for the breakup. I don’t know if he is capable of giving me what I want from a relationship, no matter how much he wanted to. We have different ideas of how we should be in a relationship. Maybe I expected too much from him. [...]
Posted in Breaking Up Is Hard To Do, Relationships | Tagged | Leave a comment

Wardrobe Malfunction: Fierce

I haven’t done one of these in a while, mostly because my current living situation makes it difficult for me to take pictures. Bad lighting, no privacy. You know, shit like that. So, this is one of my favorite outfits. Bartender asked me to explain how red and green went together. I explained that they [...]
Posted in Foto, Wardrobe Malfunction | Leave a comment

Life on Pause

My brother is a very lucky guy. He has benefitted immensely from Bartender’s incarceration and subsequent house arrest. In the last 3 or 4 months, my brother has received: Floor seats to a Miami Heat game Tickets to a Red Sox/Marlins spring training game Tickets to the Marlins’ Opening Day Tickets to see the Cubs [...]
Posted in Relationships | Tagged | Leave a comment

Trust Me On This One

Role playing is so much more fun in bed than it is in class.* *No, you sickos, we are not having sexual role plays in my class! It is a class on counseling techniques and we each take turns being the client or therapist. Though, I do spice things up a bit by pretending I [...]
Posted in Diarrhea of the Mind, Sexuality | 1 Comment

American Idol is DEFINITELY Gay

“[Paula] Abdul says she pushed to get gay contestants like Danny Noriega and David Hernandez onto the show. ‘I pushed for them and fought,’ Paula says.” Apparently, I was completely correct in my assumption that half of the American Idol contestants are probs gay. I’m still waiting for Archie to come out. I mean, come [...]
Posted in Culture Goes Pop, Diarrhea of the Mind, SGO | Leave a comment


Everyone has a “type.” You know, a common theme among people that you’re attracted to, something that they all seem to share. Some men prefer blondes, others like brunettes. Some women prefer their men tall and thick, while others don’t mind a man who is wiry and small.  I am bisexual, and therefore, it would [...]
Posted in Eye Candy, Relationships, SGO, Sexuality, Standards of Beauty | Leave a comment

The New Mr. Big

There is going to be a Mr. Big vibrator. I wish I was kidding, but alas, I am not. Of course it is a rabbit vibe, modeled after Charlotte’s favorite toy. From looking at the controls (there are close up pictures of them if you click on the link I provided), it looks like it [...]
Posted in Awesomeness, Population Control and Orgasmic Artillery, Sex Miscellany | Leave a comment

Movin’ On Up

I broke my computer a few weeks ago and haven’t been able to afford a new one. I have been begging my mom for a Mac for about three years now, and because she doesn’t have one, she doesn’t understand how fucking awesome they are. After breaking my third PC in four years, I finally [...]
Posted in Awesomeness | 1 Comment
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