Wardrobe Malfunction: Fierce

I haven’t done one of these in a while, mostly because my current living situation makes it difficult for me to take pictures. Bad lighting, no privacy. You know, shit like that. So, this is one of my favorite outfits. Bartender asked me to explain how red and green went together. I explained that they are contrasting colors (duh!). As in, across from each other on the color wheel.
Clicky clicky to make me bigger!

I am wearing:
  • Green leopard print dress from H&M
  • Red hoop hearings from H&M
  • Red wedges with ankle straps by Colin Stewart (via the Victoria’s Secret Catalog)
  • White wife beater with a slit cut to show off my cleave
  • Ginormous sunglass from Target
  • Awesome purple hair
And since you know you want a better shot of my glasses and hair, here you are:
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