Monthly Archives: September 2010

Um, no. Surely I can’t be the only one that is completely rubbed the wrong way by the title of this book?
Posted in SGO, Sex Miscellany, Sexuality | 8 Comments

PSA: On Seduction, Part Deux

ATTENTION MEN: If you are trying to get me to sleep with you, telling me that you “have a pretty big one. Thick, too,” (repeatedly) is not the way to go about it. Not only do I not care how big your penis is, I a) shouldn’t know anything about it before I’ve actually gotten [...]
Posted in Public Service Announcement, Sex Miscellany | 9 Comments

Why, Thank You Sir, For Not Raping Me!

From a piece on the always wonderful website The Frisky (like Cosmo! But online! Even though there already is a Cosmo online!) entitled 25 Things Women (Maybe) Don’t Know About Men: “It is an instinct for us to look at women.  It is hard to control that, so maybe she needs to be satisfied that [...]
Posted in Rape Culture | 14 Comments

How to Guarantee That I Will Never Sleep With You Again

In regards to my squirting: “It was pretty hot and it definitely turned me on, but it was really messy. Could you maybe not do it so much next time?” FAIL. There will now definitely be no “next time.” And people wonder why I was so insecure about it for so long. But! It gets [...]
Posted in Griping and Kvetching and Bitching, Sex Miscellany, Sexcapades | 20 Comments


I’ve discussed coercive rape on this blog before, and that I think that men are victims when it comes to how we teach consent just as much as women are. I think that the way we talk about consent makes rapists out of men that would not otherwise be rapists. And I had an experience [...]
Posted in Rape Culture | 27 Comments

Falling into Place

Everything, it seems, is falling into place. It turns out that this move was a Very Good Thing. I’ve just moved into my very own apartment (NO ROOMMATES! NO PARENTS!). It’s the first time in my life that I’ll be living totally by myself. I don’t have a bed yet. Or furniture. Or, well, anything, [...]
Posted in Awesomeness | 17 Comments

Bite Me

This is the very recent collection of bite marks/hickies/mix of both that I received the other day. I’m looking forward to them being darker and more hurty tomorrow. It’s been way too long since I’ve had sex bruises. And y’all know how much I love sex bruises. I can has moar ruff secks, plz?
Posted in Marks of Passion, Sexcapades, Submission | 6 Comments

You Say “Dyke” Like It’s A Bad Thing

As you know, I got my hair cut the other day. I really, really fucking love it. My mother saw the pictures and told me that my hair looked “dykey” and “butch.” I cried. When I sat down to think about why I had that reaction, there were so many different levels to this statement [...]
Posted in Parental Control, SGO, Sexuality, Soul Searching, Standards of Beauty | 10 Comments
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