Monthly Archives: September 2010


I found these on while looking for artwork for my apartment. Rape culture: (This one makes me absolutely sick.) (This is what’s known as “rape”). (Obvi.) Women are only after one thing: (That’s how you want to end up with an engagement ring! Because you wore him down and drove him nuts until he [...]
Posted in Caterwauling About The Patriarchy, Rape Culture | 16 Comments

Once and For All

One of my biggest pet peeves: Come: verb. The act of orgasming. “I’m going to come!” “Please come on me!” Cum: noun. Ejaculate, semen. “His cum tastes awful!” “Did we get cum on the couch?” Get it? Got it? Good.
Posted in Sex Miscellany | 9 Comments

Double Standards

Via Postsecret: What’s with the smile at the end? Are you proud of yourself for being a selfish, smug, hypocritical cunt? What the hell gives you the right to think you can control your partner’s sexuality, especially when you partake in the activity that you don’t want him to partake in? What’s with the double [...]
Posted in Relationships, Sex Miscellany, Sexuality | 10 Comments

The More You Know

Apparently, finding out that I am very affectionate and a total cuddle whore is more of a surprise than me asking someone to “hurt me” the first time we fucked.
Posted in Sex Miscellany, Sexuality | Tagged | 1 Comment

Maybe One Day I’ll Be More Than Just Sex To Someone

If I had a nickel for every person that’s told me that I’m “fun,” but “not the kind of girl you bring home to your mother,” I’d have quite a few nickels. And honestly, I think that’s one of the meanest things you can say to someone. It’s like a punch in the gut. “I [...]
Posted in Griping and Kvetching and Bitching, Relationships, Sex Miscellany, Soul Searching | Tagged , | 20 Comments

White Knight

I often love people that are difficult to love. You see, I tend to suffer from “White Knight Syndrome.” I’m not a protective person by nature, but I tend to enter into relationships with people that I feel protective over. I’ve dated people that had long legal histories and ongoing legal problems, including incarceration during [...]
Posted in Relationships, Soul Searching | Tagged , , , | 11 Comments

Promiscuity Done Right

I have a UTI (boo. But yay for sex!), so I went to the Planned Parenthood near my apartment. Of course, they have to ask you a lot of questions to assess your risk factors and whatnot. I answered them all quickly and without any hint of shame or embarrassment, but the more questions that [...]
Posted in Population Control and Orgasmic Artillery, Sex Miscellany, Sexuality | 13 Comments

Product Review: Ophoria Beyond 3

I’m a total whore for g-spot stimulation. I almost always buy curved dildos now, and have little to no interest in dildos that are not curved, unless there’s something else special about them (i.e. the massive girth of Randy). And after Epiphora’s glowing review of the Ophoria Beyond 3, I decided that I needed to [...]
Posted in Dildo, Population Control and Orgasmic Artillery, Product Reviews | Tagged | 2 Comments

Drunk Texting With Jess Manifesto

I would like to preface this by saying that I was also highly, highly intoxicated during this exchange, and we have the same phone, so are tying on the same keypad. Jess: Omg ski brkjyi!!!! Me: Hiiiiiii! Jess: Pron and watchingwiyh won’t and uim drunk. Jess: Sexuk hole li jets part 3. Me: Sounds fun! [...]
Posted in Self Medication, With A Little Help From My Friends | Tagged | 4 Comments

Do You Think He’s On Drugs? Please Tell Me That He’s On Drugs

In lieu of anything substantial to post, I will leave you with the most frightening speech in the history of ever. “I have a Master’s degree… IN COMMUNICATION!” And, folks, HE WILL NOT APOLOGIZE FOR HIS TONE TONIGHT! Either that, or he took his inspiration from here.
Posted in Awesomeness | 11 Comments
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