Monthly Archives: November 2009


I wrote last night’s post about being scared during a conversation about our future, our feelings, and our fears that Master and I were having last night. During a break in the discussion, I banged that post out and after He read it, discussion continued. While I was crying, and reassuring Him that I loved [...]
Posted in BDSM, Relationships | Tagged | 3 Comments


I’m scared. In fact, I’m scared shitless. I’m in love with a man that is unavailable to me in every conceivable way. There are more hurdles, roadblocks, and booby traps standing in our path to happily ever after that it seems impossible to navigate. We both have much to lose. We both have gigantic question [...]
Posted in Relationships, Soul Searching | Tagged | 21 Comments

I Say Yes

“Here I come when I better go I say yes when I ought to say no… I get around.” I didn’t even have to turn around to know that he was there. He had a schedule; Monday, Thursday, and Saturday nights. He’d be there those nights without fail. He was a creature of habit. When [...]
Posted in Self Medication, Sexcapades | Tagged | 3 Comments

I Am Not Clark Kent

Last weekend I went to my first public event displaying a collared whore that was my property. It was certainly no coming out for me in the regard to D/s. I have attended events previously, yet those were somehow paled by this one. Before, I was an only organ grinder with no monkey. This night, [...]
Posted in BDSM, Sexcapades | Tagged | 11 Comments

Is Male Sexuality Frightening?

“To some people, me being sexual is really offensive because I’m gay. They’re like, ‘He’s being really gay.’ And I’m like, actually, ‘No, I’m just being sexual.’ Male sexuality is frightening to America [but] female sexuality is all over the place.” -Adam Lambert, in Out Magazine What do you guys think about this statement? Do [...]
Posted in Culture Goes Pop, SGO, Sexuality | 8 Comments

Hate “The Player” And The Game

There is a chapter in Lundy Bancroft’s book Why Does He Do That? that identifies “types” of abusers. Not every abuser fits into a specific type, some have bits and pieces from several different types, and some are predominantly one “type,” with certain aspects of other “types.” When I got to the type that Bancroft [...]
Posted in Breaking Up Is Hard To Do, It Felt Like A Kiss, Relationships | Tagged | 11 Comments

e[lust] #1

HNT Courtesy of Coy Pink Welcome to the first edition of e[lust]! Below is your source for inspirations of lust and sexual intelligence from a wide range of sex bloggers. Want to be included in the next edition? Submission period opens for e[lust] # 2 on November 20th – subscribe to the RSS feed andTwitter for all updates! [...]
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Defining My Gender

Wilhelmina Wang over at Heartbreak Nymphomania is running a Gender Carnival contest. She wants to know what your gender means to YOU (deadline is November 21). There are many ways to enter the contest, and you can go to her site to see what they are, but I really wanted to ponder and contemplate that [...]
Posted in SGO, Soul Searching, Standards of Beauty | 4 Comments

Shamelessly Promoting My Friends

I’ve been meaning to do this for a while, but I wanted to link to some people that I think you should be reading, because they’re pretty kickass, as are their blogs. Also, some features that some of my bloggy peeps are doing/starting that I think are worth checking out. Pour some sugar on Sara [...]
Posted in With A Little Help From My Friends | Tagged | 5 Comments

Wardrobe Malfunction: Fetish Night

Once a month, a fetish store in town hosts a party at a club in the area. Master just happened to be visiting the weekend of the party, and He got to come with me. We went shopping and He bought me everything that I’m wearing. He loves dressing His whore up. We went with [...]
Posted in BDSM, Bringing Sexy Back (NSFW), Foto, Wardrobe Malfunction | Tagged | 12 Comments
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