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Britni TheVadgeWig
I'm Britni, a snarky bitch and generally awesome person. I write about sex, love, and bullshit. If sex-positivity, discussions about BDSM and kink, queer issues, and topics that are completely inappropriate by society's standards make you uncomfortable, then this blog is not for you.
Because I Am a Shameless, Broke-Ass Bitch
All donations are welcome, of course! You can always buy me something off my wishlist, as well. -
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Tag Archives: Profligacy
I know I said I wouldn’t be writing about my personal life, but I had written this already, and I felt like it was important for me to post. A lot of people disagreed with my decision to sleep with The Bruiser after my break-up with Profligacy. However, there were reasons for the decision. Everyone [...]
Posted in Breaking Up Is Hard To Do, Rape Culture, Sex Miscellany Also tagged The Bruiser 17 Comments
Not Enough
Sometimes, no matter how much you love someone, it’s not enough. Sometimes, no matter how much you love someone, circumstances are such that it’s difficult to make things work. Sometimes, no matter how much you love someone, you are just not capable of giving them what they want and need. And when that’s the case, [...]
The End
I don’t want to get into the details right now, but Profligacy and I have broken up. It was amicable and cordial, but we’re both pretty heartbroken. I’ll write more when I can muster the energy. At the moment, I’m crying to hard to write much of anything.
Packing List
This afternoon, I am getting on a plane to visit Profligacy. This is what we will look like in just a few hours: Photo source. Packing my sex toys often requires more preparation than packing my clothes! This time, I wanted to bring fewer toys than I’ve brought in the past. This is what my [...]
All About Him
It’s not often that our sex is all about Him. Even though He is Dominant, and can (and does) use me for His pleasure, His pleasure almost always includes pleasuring me. He loves to insert an assortment of objects into my cunt, to pump it up until it’s swollen and plump, to clip clothespins or [...]
There is a Moment
There is a moment right after He comes inside me when He collapses on top of me in a heap, cock still spasming. After He moans and groans and shakes and is spent, His chest meets mine. His head finds my shoulder. His breath is still quick, His body still slick with sweat. I kiss [...]
Profligacy and I have been looking for a collar for everyday wear for a while now. We wanted something that I could wear all the time, but everything we found was either too obviously a collar, or just “not me.” We wanted this because a) I can’t wear my collar 24/7, yet it’s nice to [...]
Take 2
We’re trying again. Today, I’m flying to spend the week with Profligacy. I’m not quite sure how well I packed, seeing as I packed drunk. I do know that I brought enough sex toys to keep the casts of several porn movies busy for a few weeks. I do not know how many logical and [...]
All of Me
I have the best Master/Daddy/boyfriend in the world. I’m not an easy person to be with, and I know that. I suffer from depression, and it comes and goes often. I actually think it’s more like dysthymia, which is worse, because that means it never really goes away. And that makes being with me really, [...]
Happy Birthday, Profligacy!