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Britni TheVadgeWig
I'm Britni, a snarky bitch and generally awesome person. I write about sex, love, and bullshit. If sex-positivity, discussions about BDSM and kink, queer issues, and topics that are completely inappropriate by society's standards make you uncomfortable, then this blog is not for you.
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Category Archives: Culture Goes Pop
And Now, A Musical Interlude
So, to take a break from all the ZOMG BITCH AND MOAN AND NEGATIVITY FEST that’s been going on here, and on Twitter, and in the entire fucking blogosphere lately, I offer you the best, most fun, least homosexual song and video EVAR. Enjoy.
Also posted in Diarrhea of the Mind 4 Comments
Know Who I’ve Always Fantasized About? Tonya Harding.
My friend sent me the most glorious site I have ever had the pleasure of stumbling across on the internet. Erotic fantasies about Tonya Harding. Yes, THAT Tonya Harding. Also, this Tonya Harding. And this Tonya Harding. So. These dudes really love Tonya Harding. So much that they write slash fiction about her. And you [...]
Also posted in Awesomeness, Sex Miscellany 12 Comments
“I’m Not Racist!”
I just saw this clip from Bad Girls Club that left my mouth hanging open. This girl, Kate, doesn’t put her foot in her mouth once, doesn’t do it twice, does it THREE times. And that doesn’t even count the backhanded stereotypes she manages to slip in that aren’t as blatant. Please, watch this whole [...]
God’s Vagina
I have no clue what this means, and I’m unsure if it was meant as an insult or just someone being ridiculous, and I think it’s fairly awesome. Also, according to Dogma and Dishwalla, God *did* have a vagina! I win.
Also posted in Diarrhea of the Mind 14 Comments
The Most Amazing Speech in the History of TV Speeches
Mike O’Malley has done a surprisingly amazing job playing the father of Kurt, the gay character on Glee. He’s supportive and wonderful, even though he doesn’t quite understand him. They get some of the most touching scenes on the show. But this scene, from this week’s Gaga episode? Had me sobbing. More of this on [...]
Also posted in SGO, Sexuality 7 Comments
“R. Kelly is either a genius, or mildly schizophrenic.”*
I never paid much attention to R. Kelly or his music. I always assumed that he must be a decent artist in his genre, since he seemed to be successful. I also knew that he liked to pee on young girls, and is the worst liar in the world, because when asked if he liked [...]
Glee-fully Gay
It should come as no surprise that I love Glee. I mean, come on. It’s the gayest fucking show on television. PLUS! Singing! And it’s fuckin’ funny, man! But there was one joke (very subtle, very sly joke), one reference (very subtle, very sly reference) that I really loved, because it reflected me. Before you [...]
Also posted in SGO, Sexcapades, Sexuality 1 Comment
Million Dollar Smile
When you ask someone what one of the first things they notice about someone is, they’ll often say, “Their smile.” When you ask someone what physical qualities they look for in a partner, a “nice smile” is often at the top of the list. But what makes a smile “nice?” In our society, we equate [...]
Also posted in Standards of Beauty 10 Comments
No Duh
In the least shocking coming-out of the century (well, maybe behind Clay Aiken), Ricky Martin has officially come out as a gay man. From his official website: These years in silence and reflection made me stronger and reminded me that acceptance has to come from within and that this kind of truth gives me the [...]
Also posted in Awesomeness, SGO 2 Comments
The Real Douche