Category Archives: Awesomeness

Buttholes on Twitter

I always find it amusing, yet totally awesome that Alexa over at The ‘Real’ Princess Diaries has a Tumblr devoted entirely to pictures of buttholes. I mean, she has other Tumbrs devoted to other things as well, like facials and erotic photography, but it always makes me giggle to think that someone spends time looking [...]
Also posted in Sex Miscellany, Standards of Beauty | 4 Comments

A Question I Ask Myself

I often wonder who’s minds are the hardest to change. The ignorant and uneducated because they may not have the tools or capacity to understand opinions and views different from their own or the people mentioned above who, though they may strive to be informed and relevant individuals, may already think that they have all [...]
Also posted in Caterwauling About The Patriarchy, Soul Searching | 2 Comments

THIS Is What A Feminist Looks Like

And I am now crying at 2:30 PM on a Wednesday. And I can honestly say that I love my president. Thank you, President Obama.
Also posted in Caterwauling About The Patriarchy | 3 Comments

Miss J

Presented without commentary. The hair is killing me, y’all! When he came onto my screen I nearly DIED laughing. It is so amazing that there are just no words.
Also posted in Culture Goes Pop | Leave a comment

I’m Fabulous, Darling (But You Already Knew That)

The lovely and always adorable Meg has given me a Fabulous Blog Award. I quite appreciate it, and I like that she called me and my blog “thought provoking.” Also, something/one that many people probably “won’t get.” I don’t know about the former, but the latter is definitely true. Now, in order to formally accept [...]
Also posted in Culture Goes Pop, Diarrhea of the Mind, Hitachi Magic, Wanking | 7 Comments

Karma’s A Bitch

The Redneck lost his car and now is losing his house. He is banned from our local bar to due an outstanding tab of $80 that has been sitting for 3 months, combined with owing the bartender $300 of her personal money. He is moving into a trailer. But not a nice trailer. One of [...]
Posted in Awesomeness | Tagged | 3 Comments

Food Porn: Burgers

I am watching Build A Better Burger III on The Food Network and am DYING for a gourmet burger. These burgers look SO GOOD, and I am drooling over them. There are two categories: beef burgers and alternative burgers, which are made from anything other than beef. Born in Berkeley Burgers (winning beef burger): Paella [...]
Also posted in Food Pr0n | 3 Comments

How To Actually Buy The Perfect Valentine’s Day Gift: Thinking Outside The Box

I’m a huge believer in buying things that aren’t cliche or typical. I like presents that are bought with a certain person in mind, and are anything but generic. Here are some VD gift ideas that are a little out of the ordinary, and perfect for a person like me. Etsy is a great resource [...]
Also posted in I Am A Material Girl, Relationships | 2 Comments

At Last

When I grow up, I want a love like this.
Posted in Awesomeness | 6 Comments

Happy Obama Day!

I have to work at noon. I cannot watch. No internet streaming and no TV. But I will DVR it. And I am already crying. Have a great day, everyone!
Posted in Awesomeness | 4 Comments
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