Monthly Archives: April 2009

Toxic Love

Working where I do, at a battered women’s shelter, can be really hard sometimes. The stories you hear are devastating and you really cannot imagine what some of these women have been through. But one of the hardest things for me has been finally admitting to myself that I was in an abusive relationship. I’ve [...]
Posted in It Felt Like A Kiss, Psychobabble, Relationships, Soul Searching | Tagged | 10 Comments

There *Is* Such A Thing As "Too Thin"

**I’m just warning any of my readers that may have ED issues that some images in this post may be triggering. If you have the potential to be triggered by photos of very thin women, I suggest skipping this post.** This is Stephanie Naumoska, an Australian Miss Universe contestant. This is what she looked like [...]
Posted in Caterwauling About The Patriarchy, Culture Goes Pop, Standards of Beauty | 14 Comments


I don’t handle rejection well. I know this about myself. I always wonder what I did wrong. Why I wasn’t good enough. What could I have done differently. What I shouldn’t have done. How I could have made them like me more. Even though I know, deep down, that it wasn’t my fault, I couldn’t [...]
Posted in Relationships, Soul Searching | 6 Comments

Hot Like Bea

This is too good not to share. From Jezebel’s tribute to Bea Arthur, here is a clip of Bea at the Roast of Pam Anderson: Roast of Pamela Anderson Bea Arthur Uncensored Joke of the Day Stand-Up Comedy Free Online Games I don’t think it gets much more awesome than that. RIP Bea, you [...]
Posted in Awesomeness, Culture Goes Pop, Sex Miscellany | 1 Comment


“All of a sudden, I realize something The weather is amazing, even the birds are bumpin Stood up and took a look and a breath Sunshine, sunshine, it’s fine I feel it in my skin, warming up my mind,  Sometimes you gotta give in to win,  I love the days when it shines, whoa let [...]
Posted in Foto | 2 Comments

I Deserve

After all the crap that’s been going on with The Bruiser, I haven’t really felt like writing much. I’m emotionally exhausted and what’s left of my heart is pretty shattered. You know how when you’re hurting really badly, it LITERALLY feels like your heart is broken? You can feel that pain in your chest and [...]
Posted in Relationships, Soul Searching | Tagged | 11 Comments

Fuck Yeah NPH

Posted in Culture Goes Pop, Diarrhea of the Mind, Sex Miscellany | 6 Comments

The Best Thing To Watch On A Sunday Night

Sunday Night Baseball at Fenway Park. Red Sox. Yankees. Let’s do it, baby. EDIT: THIS IS WHAT A STRAIGHT MOTHERFUCKING STEAL OF HOME PLATE LOOKS LIKE. “That’s the first Red Sox player to steal home since Jose Offerman in 1999. He did it on a double steal. It was the first straight steal since Billy [...]
Posted in I Want To Go To There | 3 Comments


Sometimes PostSecret hits too close to home.
Posted in Relationships, Sex Miscellany, Soul Searching | 5 Comments


Sending me a text that says, “If you’re upset, that’s on you. I don’t want you. Bye” is not “helping [me] deal.” It’s not “helping [me] move on.” It is punching me in the stomach. And it’s fucking cruel. When someone asks your permission to ask me out on a date, telling him to “feel [...]
Posted in Griping and Kvetching and Bitching, Relationships | Tagged | 18 Comments
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