Monthly Archives: March 2009

Blood Red

Posted in Foto | 5 Comments

A Fantasy of Submission

Lately I have been craving submission like nobody’s business. While The Bruiser is rough and dominant and all of that, I can’t submit to him the way that I would like to. It’s the kind of submission that can only come through a trusting relationship, even if it’s just one based on sex. It needs [...]
Posted in BDSM, Relationships, Sex Miscellany, Sexuality, Submission | 6 Comments

My Style Motto

I like to think that this is the way I approach getting dressed every morning. Image courtesy of Gala Darling.
Posted in Wardrobe Malfunction | 2 Comments

A Request That Went Unanswered Tonight

“I want you to gag me with your cock.” I guess it will have to wait for another time. Though I did really want to choke on some cock tonight. Oh well.
Posted in Sex Miscellany, Submission | 3 Comments

The Afterlife: Remembering Fucking

When I sank into you I felt warmthAgainst warmth, flesh against flesh, vitalityAgainst vitality, and it was great, my dear.It was magnicifent. And then our passion rose-Not that it wasn’t pretty high already-And we throbbed together, sweat slick belliesSlapping, I held you in a vise-likeEmbrace and you dug your nails intoMy Back and wrapped your [...]
Posted in Sex Miscellany | Leave a comment

Off Balance

Happy kitty, heavy heart.
Posted in Relationships | Tagged | 7 Comments

Lindsay Lohan Is Awesomely Bad

Jezebel posted Lindsay Lohan’s new commercial for Fornarina the other day, and I am obsessed with it. I have no idea what is actually going on, nor does the commercial tell me what Fornarina actually is (upon a Google search, it appears to be some kind of clothing store that is popular in Japan and [...]
Posted in Awesomeness, Culture Goes Pop | 6 Comments


So, I appreciate this guy’s honesty:  im gona be honest with you, all im looking for is a good time maybe even a fuck buddie. i hope i dont come off as a jerk but im just honest and hate to be something im not I wish more guys would be up front like that. [...]
Posted in Make Me A Match | 3 Comments


…is a cry myself to sleep kind of night. “And I cry at night when the lights go outAnd the green eyes fuse and the full moon shoutsFrom road maps and red lines to lipstick liesAnd when the lights go out it’s tough to survive” -Elton John, Cry At Night
Posted in Soul Searching | 4 Comments

In Which I Need Help Letting Go

I have to wonder if part of the reason that I am having trouble moving on from The Bruiser has more to do with my lack of support system down here than anything else. You see, I don’t really have a lot of friends down here. I have my best friend that I should be [...]
Posted in Soul Searching, With A Little Help From My Friends | Tagged | 10 Comments
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