Monthly Archives: July 2010

Wardrobe Malfunction: Goodbye Florida

Last night was my going away party. A lot of people didn’t show up. But the people that mattered did, and I had a fucking blast. I am wearing: Dress from Heritage 1981 Yellow pumps by Michael Green beaded necklace A minimalistic outfit for me!
Posted in Wardrobe Malfunction | 8 Comments


Jack was my first college boyfriend. “Jack” is short for “jack rabbit,” as sex with him was what I like to refer to as “jack rabbit sex.” If you’ve ever seen that Sex and the City episode, you’ll know exactly what I’m talking about. I almost died the first time I saw it (the jack [...]
Posted in Relationships, Sexcapades | Leave a comment

Wardrobe Malfuntion: Fuck the World

I never go out wearing leggings as pants. But for some reason, I felt this outfit called for it. I am wearing: “I Hate People” shirt (stolen from The Irishman) Black shiny leggings from Target White “Bukkled” shoes by Steve Madden Teal sunglasses, Target And check the back: So. appropriate.
Posted in Wardrobe Malfunction | Tagged | 5 Comments

Day 8: Your Favorite Internet Friend

Picking just one internet friend would be unfair, and I can’t and won’t do it. I have so many of you, and you have all enriched my life so much. Most people don’t understand the social world of the internet. When I tell them that I’ve never actually met some of my best friends, they [...]
Posted in 30 Days of Letters | 5 Comments


I met a really hot butchy androgynous girl in a bar last night. She was on a blind date. She did not like her date. She did like me. So she fucked me in the bathroom. It was awesome.
Posted in Sexcapades | 10 Comments

Day 7: An Ex

I have many exes, and many of them will fit the criteria for one of my future letters. Therefore, I’m going to write a joint letter to all of my exes. To my ex-partners, Thank you all, each and every one of you. Whether I look back on our relationship fondly, or wish I could [...]
Posted in 30 Days of Letters, Breaking Up Is Hard To Do, Relationships | Leave a comment

“I know how to spell, and use grammar but find it more fun to write how i talk.”

I got this message… I definately don’t take myself seriously and am kind of looking for a partner in crime which I don’t think you would have a hard time fulfilling. I do have a thin for short girls with attitude so naturally Im sending you this message. I love your style and would be [...]
Posted in Make Me A Match | 9 Comments

Sound Advice

Posted in Awesomeness, With A Little Help From My Friends | Leave a comment

I Bet Amanda Bynes Reads “Cosmo”

Amanda Bynes seems to be one of those girls who obsesses about finding “the one,” and is only happy when she’s in love. Also, one of those girls that doesn’t handle breakups so well. I checked out her Twitter feed the other day, and… I decided to Google her and see if she’d given any [...]
Posted in Culture Goes Pop, Mag Mocking, Relationships | 15 Comments

Day 6: A Stranger

People are strange when you’re a stranger. But that doesn’t mean that people aren’t worth meeting. In fact, if you’re one of those people who are strange, and not *just* because you’re a stranger, chances are that I’d be way more interested in meeting you, anyway. So come say hi. I promise I don’t bite. [...]
Posted in 30 Days of Letters | 1 Comment
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