Monthly Archives: April 2010

Product Review: Maximus

I’m gonna be honest: I don’t get the Maximus love. I really, really dislike this lube. It has the viscosity of hair gel, which, when using it for anal play, is a good thing. You want a thick lube to make insertion easier and less painful. But I find it stringy. I find that it [...]
Posted in Lubricants and Gels, Population Control and Orgasmic Artillery, Product Reviews | Tagged | 5 Comments

Survey: Experiences of rape and sexual assault

Elizabeth at Shades of Gray is conducting a survey of experiences of rape and sexual assault. The details are here. Check it out if you’re interested.
Posted in Rape Culture | 1 Comment

I Thought I Knew Him

I thought I knew him, but I guess I didn’t. I thought he knew me, but I guess he didn’t. That’s what hurts the most. The break-up was my decision, but I never wanted it to end like this. I thought he was better than that. I thought wrong.
Posted in Breaking Up Is Hard To Do | Tagged | 8 Comments

Sex and Therapy

I got an interesting Formspring question the other day, and I thought it was worth reposting and expanding on here. What are your opinions about sexual deviance in the context of therapy? You personally seem to embrace so-called slut identity and repost from self-identified nymphomaniacs, so what does that mean to you therapeutically (in practice) [...]
Posted in Psychobabble, Sex Miscellany, Sexuality | 3 Comments

Pleasurists #73

jealous, jealous again by Scott Church Welcome to Pleasurists, a round-up of the adult product and sex toy reviews that came out in the last seven days. For updates and information follow our RSS Feed and Twitter. Did you miss Pleasurists #72? Read it all here. Do you have a review for Pleasurists #74? Be [...]
Posted in Pleasurists | Leave a comment

At Least He Didn’t Ask If I’d Be His Bella

Dude *might* get points for creativity on the greeting, though. Subject: hey Can I be your Edward Cullen? Yo yo yo!!! Whats going on my homie g-funk era with a kiwi lemon-lime twist! He then goes on to mention nothing about Twilight, or anything of substance for the better part of 7 paragraphs. It’s probably [...]
Posted in Make Me A Match | 3 Comments

Bloody Mary

I’ve been talking about bloody marys a lot recently. They’re one of my favorite drinks, and I make a pretty killer one. It’s taken some time for me to perfect my recipe, and one of the things that I’ve discovered is that everyone likes their bloody mary a little bit different. You start with the [...]
Posted in Diarrhea of the Mind, Food Pr0n, Self Medication | 13 Comments

No Means No, Regardless of the Forum

I want to address sexual assault. But not the kind of sexual assault that we normally think of when we hear the words “sexual assault.” We usually think of sexual assault as something physical. But there are other kinds of sexual assault, too. Many bloggers, particularly female sex bloggers, deal with unwanted online advances, mostly [...]
Posted in Rape Culture | 20 Comments

Ego Boost

You know it’s not going to go well when his first message to you is this: I hope you won’t take this wrong, but I LOVE bisexual hipsters (not for the reason you think), and you are a beautiful example. if you do take offense, just call me old and I’ll slink away… Now, I’m [...]
Posted in Caterwauling About The Patriarchy, Make Me A Match, SGO | 9 Comments

The Problem With “Straight Pride”

There were “Straight Pride” t-shirts on sale at a Tea Party rally. And the people that have designed and distributed these shirts are moronic, and are taking something that minorities use as a way of claiming/reclaiming their identities, and misconstruing what the entire point of “pride” is. “Pride,” as used in this context, exists as [...]
Posted in Caterwauling About The Patriarchy, Griping and Kvetching and Bitching, SGO | 5 Comments
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