Monthly Archives: October 2009

Fighting The Good Fight

“Suck my cock, whore.” “No.” I whined defiantly at Him. We’d just had sex and His cock was covered in lube and my juices. “Suck it NOW, whore. Clean it up.” “No! I don’t want to!” I became more defiant and more insistent then. I turned my head away when He tried to shove His [...]
Posted in BDSM, Sexcapades | Tagged | 7 Comments

“Vanilla” Sex

On our first visit with each other, Master and I each arrived with suitcases full of toys. Mine was full of dildos and vibrators, butt plugs and nipple clamps. Master’s was full of the more kinky toys. Master brought the crops, the floggers, the pinwheels, the clothespins, and countless other implements of torture (though I [...]
Posted in BDSM, Relationships, Sexcapades | Tagged | 9 Comments

Ken is an FOD*

I have two thoughts about the “Palm Beach Sugar Daddy Ken” doll. “Lookin’ for a sugar daddy?” REALLY? Nothing like teaching kids how NOT to be materialistic. Isn’t the concept of having a sugar daddy supposed to kind of be a negative thing? Women already have a reputation of being gold diggers, and putting out [...]
Posted in Culture Goes Pop, Diarrhea of the Mind, SGO | 5 Comments

Innocent Victims: The Effects of Domestic Violence on Children, Part II

This is the seventh part in a series about domestic violence, in honor of Domestic Violence Awareness Month. You may want to read Parts I, II, III, IV, V, and VI. This is Part II of II on how domestic violence affects children. Part I can be found here. There are many different ways that [...]
Posted in It Felt Like A Kiss | 2 Comments

Innocent Victims: The Effects of Domestic Violence on Children, Part I

This is the sixth part in a series about domestic violence, in honor of Domestic Violence Awareness Month. You may want to read Parts I, II, III, IV, and V. This will be Part I of II on how domestic violence affects children. The abused partner is not the only victim of the domestic violence [...]
Posted in It Felt Like A Kiss | 4 Comments


My plane got in around midnight. I was tired from the long day, but anxious to see Him. As I walked past the sliding doors, there He was, standing there, waiting for me. We hugged before we kissed, and I buried my face in His muscular chest, taking in His scent. God, I had missed [...]
Posted in Sexcapades | Tagged | 15 Comments

Vagina Crafts

I typed the word “vagina” into Etsy, just to see what would come up. The result was an entire array of vagina inspired crafts. Vagina sculpture: Super hero uterus plushie: Vagina/reproductive system panties: Virgin Mary vagina: Vagina finger puppet: Necklaces made to look like your own vagina: Holiday themed vagina necklace: Orchid inspired vagina necklace: [...]
Posted in Awesomeness, Diarrhea of the Mind, Sex Miscellany | 15 Comments

When *She* Is The Batterer: Male Victims of DV

This is the fifth part in a series on domestic violence in honor of Domestic Violence Awareness Month. You may also want to read Parts I, II, III, and IV. We often think of victims of domestic violence as being exclusively women and perpetrators being exclusively men. And while it’s true that the majority of [...]
Posted in It Felt Like A Kiss | 2 Comments

My Story of Rape: Prelude

I’ve mentioned the fact that I was raped this past January, but I’ve never discussed the details or told the story. A huge part of healing from and moving beyond trauma involves telling the story of your trauma, in detail. This may be done in a therapy session, in a group session, or on your [...]
Posted in Psychobabble, Rape Culture, Soul Searching | Tagged | 20 Comments

Idealist Champion

The Myers Briggs Type Indicator gives you a “personality type” based on four dichotomies. I’ve taken it several times, and usually come out with the result of ENFP. You can read a short summary of an ENFP personality here or find your own type here. David Keirsey expanded on the MBTI types and developed his Four [...]
Posted in Psychobabble | 11 Comments
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