Monthly Archives: October 2009

Safety During or After a Violent Incident

This is the fourth in a series of posts about Domestic Violence. Part I is here, Part II is here, and Part III is here. EDIT: I want to add this in response to the first comment that was left on this post. The fact that such a detailed and involved safety plan is even [...]
Posted in It Felt Like A Kiss | 7 Comments


I’ve been a brat lately. A terrible, horrible, no good, very bratty whore. It’s really hard to do long distance relationships. In fact, I tried it once, failed miserably, and swore I’d never do it again. Yet, here I am, doing it again. I’m a needy little thing, and no matter how many texts, emails, [...]
Posted in BDSM, Griping and Kvetching and Bitching, Submission | Tagged | 11 Comments

Wardrobe Malfunction: Anyone for a Game of Pool?

I feel really good tonight. I got my hair done and I’m seeing Master in 6 (almost 5!) days. So I decided to dress as hot as I feel. I utilized the living room for this photo shoot, since I think everyone’s probably tired of my kitchen by now. Oh, yeah. And the pool table. [...]
Posted in Foto, Wardrobe Malfunction | 15 Comments

Return of the Purple Hair

I mentioned in my last Wardrobe Malfunction post that I was starting to feel a little too normal. I felt like I had lost the essence of me. And so I decided that it was time to resurrect the purple hair. I fucking love it. Can you tell?
Posted in Awesomeness, Foto, Standards of Beauty | 12 Comments

Group Post: Caught

I’m not an easy girl to catch. I’m flighty and strong-willed. I’m cunty and abrasive. I’m picky and cynical. Even if you think you’ve caught me, chances are, I’ve got you fooled. I run fast, hide well, and am great at self-defense. I’m also really great at striking when you least expect it. I’ve left [...]
Posted in BDSM, Group Post, Relationships | Tagged | 11 Comments

Judging A Book By It’s Cover

In a session the other day, one of my clients was talking to me about her drug addiction. She’s been clean for four years, but we were discussing coping mechanisms and triggers, then and now. She was relating something to me and then paused to clarify something, adding, “I’m sure you’ve never done drugs, but…” [...]
Posted in Psychobabble | 8 Comments

Signs To Look For In A Battering Personality

This is the third post in a series about domestic violence in honor of Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Part I can be found here and Part II can be found here. Many people are interested in ways they can predict whether they are about to become involved with someone who will be physically abusive. These [...]
Posted in It Felt Like A Kiss | 7 Comments


In case you were wondering how many days it was until I get to see Master again… …you can always just check my ass cheek.
Posted in Bringing Sexy Back (NSFW), Foto | Tagged | 11 Comments

Product Review: For Your Nymphomation Toybox

Ever since I first saw the FYN cases, I have coveted one of my very own. So when VibeReview offered me the chance to review one, I jumped at it. I received the Adult Toybox in red. It’s made from a beautiful shiny leather. It comes with a lock and two keys, and the zipper [...]
Posted in Population Control and Orgasmic Artillery, Product Reviews, Storage and Sex Furniture | Tagged | 2 Comments

Wardrobe Malfunction: Rediscovering Fun

My clothes are starting to get boring. I’m starting to look and feel too normal, and I don’t like it. And so I’ve been trying to rediscover how to have fun with my clothes. I wore this out the other night and loved it, and tonight’s outfit’s color palette was actually inspired by my perfume [...]
Posted in Foto, Wardrobe Malfunction | 8 Comments
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