Monthly Archives: February 2008

So Much For Progress

I’m not quite sure when this clip is from, but I have stumbled across the most insensitive, offensive, ignorant, poorly researched segment that I have ever seen. It is common knowledge that pretty much all of the women on The View are morons. Sherri Shepard has proved that several times, once when stating that she [...]
Posted in Culture Goes Pop, Griping and Kvetching and Bitching, SGO | 1 Comment

You Think You Know But You Have No Idea

I recently stumbled upon a post on Em and Lo’s blog the Daily Bedpost that totally echos the way that I feel about the topic of “sexperts.” Em and Lo, by the way, have written several books on sex and relationships. I enjoyed Sex Toy quite a bit, but don’t enjoy their relationship books as [...]
Posted in Population Control and Orgasmic Artillery, Sex Miscellany | 1 Comment

I Am A Fag Hag

I have a giant girl crush on Danny Noriega, the totally gay kid on American Idol. Seriously, he is F-A-B FAB. I mean, his audition song choice? Proud Mary. For real. Check it. He is so gay, and unlike Clay Aiken, will probably not stay in the closet. Even if he wanted to (which he [...]
Posted in Awesomeness, Culture Goes Pop, Diarrhea of the Mind, Eye Candy, SGO | Leave a comment

Bloody Fucking Valentine

I have my fucking period on Valentine’s Day. That sucks. I just wanted to have some raunchy sex. Especially since I bought this to wear tonight. Sigh. I guess it will have to wait until the weekend. EDIT: And it gets even better! I was woken up this morning by a call from the police [...]
Posted in Griping and Kvetching and Bitching, Relationships, Sex Miscellany | Tagged | 2 Comments

The Bar In Which The Bartenders Pick Up Their Tips With Their Nipples

No, seriously, I went to a place like this on Friday night. And I can think of no other way to describe it. The plan was to go to a girl’s club (dyke bar), but we needed somewhere to pre-drink (you know, somewhere cheap where you actually get drunk before going out so that you [...]
Posted in Awesomeness | 1 Comment

The Crying Game

I am an emotional person. Too emotional sometimes. I’m overly sensitive and cry too easily. I tend to wear my heart on my sleeve and my feelings are hurt quite easily. Sometimes all it takes is one snide remark to turn on the waterworks. Bartender, on the other hand, is stoic and “strong.” He grew [...]
Posted in Relationships, Soul Searching | Tagged | Leave a comment

Change of Heart

I’ve decided that I would like to be fisted. This is a new desire, as I have never wanted to be fisted in the past. I’ve always maintained that I refuse to believe that any orifice on my body will spread wide enough to accomodate a fist. However, for no obvious reason, I have changed [...]
Posted in Diarrhea of the Mind, Sex Miscellany | 2 Comments
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