Monthly Archives: December 2007

It’s The Little Things

1. Febreze NOTICEABLES: Lavender Comfort and Gentle Vanilla. Seriously yo, this shit smells ridiculous. Everytime I walk into my bedroom I am assaulted by the fantastic scent. I am obsessed. 2. My new little teddy thing from Vickie’s. I hate to say this, but I totally think that it looks better on me than Adriana [...]
Posted in I Am A Material Girl | 1 Comment


Sooooo, I’m uber excited because Bartender’s daughter has gone to visit her mom for two weeks. That means that I have my man to myself for a little while and he gets to sleep in my bed every night. I’m going to be so spoiled! (Please don’t take this post to mean that I wish [...]
Posted in Relationships | Tagged | Leave a comment

Meet The Daughter

Bartender has a 13-year-old daughter that lives with him and that he has full custody of. I finally got to meet her the other day when Bartender was working and was unable to go pick her up and bring her home. He asked me if I would be willing to do so, and of course, [...]
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Okay, people, I have a confession. I am incapable of having buttsex. It’s not like I haven’t tried. It’s not like I don’t know the proper way to do it. In fact, for 2 years part of my job description was selling people good lube for buttsex, toys to get their ass ready for buttsex, [...]
Posted in Population Control and Orgasmic Artillery, Sexcapades, Sexuality | 1 Comment

Wardrobe Malfunction: Clubbin’ By Britni

I have discovered my kindred spirit in style. I stumbled across the blog iCiNg, run by the fabulous Gala Darling. She is a fashion blogger who, like, seriously, has the same fashion sense I do: quirky and weird and totally awesome. She does this thing called “Daily Outfit” in which she attempts to document a [...]
Posted in Foto, Wardrobe Malfunction | 1 Comment

It’s The Little Things

I’m going to try to start doing a weekly feature of all the little, stupid, material (or not, whatevs) things that made me smile at some point during the week. They could be really cool and really big (as some things this week are, because it was my birthday), or really small and seemingly insignificant. [...]
Posted in I Am A Material Girl | 2 Comments

Happy Birthday to Me

Posted in Awesomeness | 2 Comments

Krispy Kreme

My aversion to and fear of men going down on me has been pretty well documented on my blogs. I’m totally cool with girls chowing my box, I’m more than willing to chow some box, but I’m totally skeeved out by the idea of letting a guy bury his face in my snatch. Bartender loves [...]
Posted in Sex Miscellany | Tagged | 1 Comment
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