I’m going to try to start doing a weekly feature of all the little, stupid, material (or not, whatevs) things that made me smile at some point during the week. They could be really cool and really big (as some things this week are, because it was my birthday), or really small and seemingly insignificant. There seems to be an inadvertent pink-ish theme this week. Let’s start, shall we?
1. My new pink phone. My dumb phone broke twice in one week, so I had to get a new one. Not only did I somehow manage to have insurance on the phone (so the new one cost me nothing. Seriously, that shit never happens to me), I’ve wanted a pink phone forever and the only color they had in stock? Was pink.
2. Pin-up girls. They represent a time when sexiness was much less explicit, much more subtle, and the concept of “leaving a little something to the imagination” was still being practiced. I *majorly heart* pin-up girls, and there will probably be one featured on this list every week, since I have a 365 day pin-up girl calender.
3. Play-Doh. I still eat it. I’ll stop now before I embarrass myself further.

5. The free “fullbody” massage I got from Bartender for my birthday. If this requires further explanation, well then I just can’t help you there.

6. The adorably awesome purse I bought myself for my birthday. It looks like a Betsey Johnson dress and I love me some Betsey Johnson.

7. My new aqua iPod. Douchebag-ex-who’s-name-shall-not-be-mentioned threw my old one out a 4th story apartment window. This was my birthday present from the parentals. They’re the bestest.

8. Moet White Star champagne. I love, love, love champagne. Love. It’s my happiness in life. And this shit is wicked good and only like $35 a bottle, if I feel like splurging a little.

9. My new Betsey Johnson perfume. Not only is the bottle rad, it smells awesome. Yay!

So, what made you smile this week?

My boyfriend got me a Kitchen Aid mixer for Christmas. That made my … month, I think. Mixers = awesome.
completely random: I worked at PEZ twice already, cool company! working there gets you lots of free candy and dispensers