Category Archives: Diarrhea of the Mind


I’ve figured out how I’m going to make a large chunk of money in a short period of time. I’m going to auction off my virginity. I’m gonna claim to be a virgin, and offer said virginity to the highest bidder. Fool proof plan. I am a genius. Think anyone will buy it (both literally [...]
Also posted in Rape Culture, Sex Miscellany | 6 Comments

Like a Cat Out of Hell

So, Epiphora, or ‘Piph, as I like to call her, loves cats. I’m not such a cat person myself, mostly because I’m allergic to them. Also, I dated this guy who had the most evil cat on the planet and when Boyfriend would leave for work in the morning, cat would run into the room [...]
Also posted in Eye Candy | Tagged , | 8 Comments

“R. Kelly is either a genius, or mildly schizophrenic.”*

I never paid much attention to R. Kelly or his music. I always assumed that he must be a decent artist in his genre, since he seemed to be successful. I also knew that he liked to pee on young girls, and is the worst liar in the world, because when asked if he liked [...]
Also posted in Culture Goes Pop | Tagged | 11 Comments

Bloody Mary

I’ve been talking about bloody marys a lot recently. They’re one of my favorite drinks, and I make a pretty killer one. It’s taken some time for me to perfect my recipe, and one of the things that I’ve discovered is that everyone likes their bloody mary a little bit different. You start with the [...]
Also posted in Food Pr0n, Self Medication | 13 Comments

Happy Birthday, Profligacy!

Today is Profligacy’s birthday. I won’t tell you how old he is, because it doesn’t matter, does it? Older than me is all I’ll say! I love you, P, and I hope your birthday, and the new path your life is taking, are wonderful for you! <3
Posted in Diarrhea of the Mind | Tagged | 3 Comments


Also posted in Griping and Kvetching and Bitching | 6 Comments

Making The Cut?

I got these kicky new red glasses: Hot, right? I know. They’re just like the black ones I used to have, but red. Way more fun. I saw this haircut on Ginnifer Goodwin and thought, “That is adorable!” And now, part of me wants to steal it (with my purple highlights kept in place, of [...]
Posted in Diarrhea of the Mind | 8 Comments

Sexy Product Name Fail

Least sexy name for a game ever, y/y? Hey, I’ve got nothing against monogamy! I just think that if you’re trying to make a “hot” board game, there are many other things you could name it that would make it sound a lot… steamier? It also seems to me that naming a board game “Monogamy” [...]
Also posted in Population Control and Orgasmic Artillery, Relationships, Sex Miscellany | 2 Comments

There is a Moment

There is a moment right after He comes inside me when He collapses on top of me in a heap, cock still spasming. After He moans and groans and shakes and is spent, His chest meets mine. His head finds my shoulder. His breath is still quick, His body still slick with sweat. I kiss [...]
Also posted in I Want To Go To There, Sexcapades | Tagged | 3 Comments


Going back through my blog in the recent months, I notice how bitter and angry and ranty I’ve gotten. And that’s a huge part of who I am: bitter and angry and ranty. But I think that comes from being a passionate person, and I don’t want to give those things up. However, once upon [...]
Also posted in I Am A Material Girl, I Want To Go To There | 20 Comments
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