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Britni TheVadgeWig
I'm Britni, a snarky bitch and generally awesome person. I write about sex, love, and bullshit. If sex-positivity, discussions about BDSM and kink, queer issues, and topics that are completely inappropriate by society's standards make you uncomfortable, then this blog is not for you.
Because I Am a Shameless, Broke-Ass Bitch
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Tag Archives: Bartender
Maybe One Day I’ll Be More Than Just Sex To Someone
If I had a nickel for every person that’s told me that I’m “fun,” but “not the kind of girl you bring home to your mother,” I’d have quite a few nickels. And honestly, I think that’s one of the meanest things you can say to someone. It’s like a punch in the gut. “I [...]
Posted in Griping and Kvetching and Bitching, Relationships, Sex Miscellany, Soul Searching | Also tagged The Bruiser | 20 Comments
White Knight
I often love people that are difficult to love. You see, I tend to suffer from “White Knight Syndrome.” I’m not a protective person by nature, but I tend to enter into relationships with people that I feel protective over. I’ve dated people that had long legal histories and ongoing legal problems, including incarceration during [...]
I Clearly Made The Right Decision on This One
Bartender found me on Facebook recently and sent me a message. Now, let me preface this by saying that there are a lot of reasons that he was not the right person for me. He’s a really good guy that has made some really bad choices in his life. And I loved him very much. [...]
I Got Fucked
I got fucked by a man, though I hesitate to call him that. He was more like a boy. A boy that fucked me often, in both the literal and figurative sense. The former, of course, being much more enjoyable than the latter, as it usually is. In fact, the only reason that I kept [...]
Til Death Do Us Part
I just watched a program about a man on death row. It followed his family and lawyers as they fought for appeals and to prove his innocence, and the people in the DA’s office and court system as they attempted to reexamine the evidence to ensure that they had the right man for the crime. [...]
Winning Record
I’m now two for two on ex-boyfriends currently living with the women they cheated on me with.
Posted in Breaking Up Is Hard To Do, Griping and Kvetching and Bitching | Also tagged CB | 3 Comments
Parenting Fail
I just got home from the bar and probably shouldn’t even be posting right now. However, something happened tonight that really, really bothered me. There is a man that I have met two or three times now. He is apparently a daytime regular, as he has tabs on the wall and the staff knows him, [...]
Love Me, Love Me
I was thinking about love today and came to a pretty huge realization. I don’t think that I’ve ever truly been loved. I don’t mean by parents or friends, but I mean by a significant other. I’ve had partners say they love me, but I don’t know if they really, truly did. My first love, [...]
Coming In The Night
I had a very, very intense, detailed sex dream about Bartender last night. We were having amazing sex and it was very intimate and wonderful. I got off during the dream, which I always love. The dream continued after that, and I’m not really sure what was going on, but Bartender and I were clearly [...]
“Wanna Do It?”