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Britni TheVadgeWig
I'm Britni, a snarky bitch and generally awesome person. I write about sex, love, and bullshit. If sex-positivity, discussions about BDSM and kink, queer issues, and topics that are completely inappropriate by society's standards make you uncomfortable, then this blog is not for you.
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Category Archives: It Felt Like A Kiss
Make the Call
The other night, I was woken up at about 1:30 AM by a couple fighting with each other. It was loud and angry and I listened for a few minutes for sounds of violence before drifting back to sleep. At about 3:00 AM, I was awakened by the same couple, still fighting. The male was [...]
Posted in It Felt Like A Kiss 6 Comments
Empowering Or Disturbing?
Because a lot of people have asked what I think, Love the Way You Lie, featuring Rihanna: I’ve seen a lot of reactions to this, and the majority of people seem to be disappointed that Rihanna took part in a video that “glamorized abusive relationships.” I disagree entirely. It’s music, and while we should never [...]
Also posted in Culture Goes Pop 21 Comments
Fear and Loathing
I stared at the screen and felt a wave of terror wash over my body. I looked over my shoulder to make sure no one was there. It was a feeling I hadn’t felt in over a year and a half. Looking at the screen, I couldn’t take my eyes off of It. Sitting in [...]
Also posted in Griping and Kvetching and Bitching, Relationships, Soul Searching Tagged CB 6 Comments
Hard Water Stains
Um… has anyone else seen this Lime-A-Way commercial? Am I the only one that think it reeks of undertones of domestic violence? Like, why would you have to be embarrassed and lie about how you injured yourself if you had done so scrubbing hard water stains? You wouldn’t. And lying to cover up bruises and [...]
I’m very conflicted about these shirts from Kinksterwear. On the one hand, I know that BDSM is consensual and all that stuff. And I’ve expressed the sentiments displayed on these shirts to partners before. However, the idea of wearing them on a t-shirt, unless it’s at some sort of kink event, makes me uncomfortable. If [...]
Also posted in BDSM 7 Comments
Enough is Enough?
I have this kind of weird bond with The Bruiser. This, of course, is totally one-sided. He treats me like shit. Calls me when it suits him, and I always answer. No matter what. No matter the time, the day, the circumstance. He calls, I answer. He knows that he has me whenever he wants [...]
I Don’t Know Why…
…but finding out that my abuser is still with the girl he cheated on me with still bothers me, almost 3 years later. Every few months or so, I check his Facebook to see if they’re still together. They always are. I know I shouldn’t check, yet something compels me to. Part of me hurts [...]
Guest Post: Nell Gwynne
This is a guest post, courtesy of Nell Gwynne. ************************* On Tuesday night, my hands involuntarily shook for an hour and a half. I slept poorly, and my mood didn’t really improve until this evening. This was because I ran into a psychotic ex while getting fitted for a costume for a film I’m rehearsing [...]
Also posted in Rape Culture, With A Little Help From My Friends 4 Comments
I Spy
I was on a plane recently and browsing through the SkyMall catalog in the seat pocket when I stumbled across some products that made me extremely uncomfortable. BrickHouse Security makes products that are supposed to be for security purposes. However, some of them seem to go above and beyond what is necessary for security. They [...]
Also posted in Griping and Kvetching and Bitching 4 Comments
Follow Up: Domestic Violence on MTV’s ‘Teen Mom’