Category Archives: Awesomeness

Advertising WIN

This comes up on my page every time I log onto AfterEllen. It’s for a lesbian cruise I think. Though I don’t really care *what* it’s advertising. It makes me smile.
Also posted in Diarrhea of the Mind, Sex Miscellany | 3 Comments

Status Update

I have a few pretty good posts in the works, one about submission, what it means to me and the role that it plays in my life, and one about reconciling my involvement in the BDSM lifestyle yet going to work with battered women every day. They should be interesting. I’ve slacked on getting my [...]
Posted in Awesomeness | 10 Comments

Quote of the Year

My friend Chris, on children and childbirth: “Childbirth kinda reminds me of that scene in “Alien” when it bursts out of John Hurt’s chest. They kinda look alike too. All salamander-like, slimy, screaming, with rows of teeth. I mean, for serious, children are fuckin’ FRIGHTENING. They feed on your body and then they feed on [...]
Also posted in With A Little Help From My Friends | 13 Comments


“Glambulge” is now an entry on Urban Dictionary. It is defined as: “a word used to describe Adam Lambert’s glamorous and huge penis.” The LJ community ontd_ai had an entire post dedicated to the Glambulge. And this post has AMAZING gifs of the Glambulge that you MUST go look at. It’s a pretty hysterical community [...]
Also posted in Culture Goes Pop, Diarrhea of the Mind, Eye Candy | 3 Comments


Some of the things that I’ve used to describe me or things about myself in the last 5 minutes: “It’s okay to succumb to my awesomeness and fabulosity.” “It’s pretty impossible not to get sucked into my vortex of kick-assness.” “You can’t resist the the magnetic force of my feminine wiles.” I think these are [...]
Posted in Awesomeness | 2 Comments

A Big Dick. That’s It

My love for Lady GaGa continues to grow exponentially. The first 40 seconds of this interview are HILARIOUS.After watching the interview in which she said, “Maybe I have a huge donkey dick,” my love for her has known no bounds. And it just keeps getting better. Interviewer: “…the entertainer is downright clear on what she [...]
Also posted in Culture Goes Pop, Lady Gaga, Sex Miscellany | 5 Comments

On Blogging Communities: What You Guys Had To Say

I got a lot of response and feedback to my post on blogging and communities of bloggers. You guys had a lot to say, and it was all very thought provoking. I’d like to repost some of the comments I received, because sometimes you can say things better than I can, and because comments like [...]
Also posted in With A Little Help From My Friends | 8 Comments

On Tolerance and Acceptance: A Guest Blog

Continuing my trend of being featured or guest posting this week, I’ve got a piece posted over at Lori’s blog. It’s about tolerance and acceptance. Go read it. Or don’t, whatever. I never liked you, anyway.
Also posted in Soul Searching, With A Little Help From My Friends | 3 Comments

Dance For Your Life

These two dancers from the premiere episode of this season of So You Think You Can Dance are amazing. Truly amazing. The girl, Natalie, is fantastic, but watch the guy, Brandon. This performance gave me chills and brought me to tears. His dancing moved me so much and I literally had tears streaming down my [...]
Also posted in Culture Goes Pop | 4 Comments

THIS Is The Future Of Our Country

A nine-year-old little boy named Ethan McNamee has given me hope and made my heart swell with pride. He is organizing a rally for marriage equality. He lined up speakers and appealed to classmates and teachers for help, and several helped him make signs. One of the coolest things about him are his reasons for [...]
Also posted in SGO | 6 Comments
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