Monthly Archives: June 2011

In case you ever wondered what kind of a housekeeper I am…

…this checklist Jesus left for me on the fridge before he went out of town should give you some indication. Susie Homemaker I am not.
Posted in Diarrhea of the Mind, Relationships | Tagged | Leave a comment

Just What I Needed

I spent the week in my apartment, in my bed, curled up in a ball. I did absolutely nothing, aside from go to doctor’s appointments and the hospital. I held onto Jesus almost every minute of the day that I wasn’t asleep. I needed it, obviously. I was super sick from all the medication for [...]
Posted in Awesomeness, Foto, I Want To Go To There, Rape Culture, Relationships, Wardrobe Malfunction | Tagged | 2 Comments

I’m all about the foreplay. Main event? What main event?

Jesus and I don’t actually have a ton of PIV sex. I mean, of course we HAVE it, but for us it serves more as an “intimacy” thing than a “pleasure” thing. You see, he gets off easily and enjoyably via a blow job or titty fucking (I hate that term. Can we come up [...]
Posted in Sexcapades, Sexuality | Tagged | 2 Comments

My Friends Are Better Than Yours

Did YOU get a picture this adorably awesome tweeted at you? Didn’t think so. Thank you, @SingingStrumpet! You rock my world.
Posted in Awesomeness, With A Little Help From My Friends | 1 Comment


In a complete stroke of luck, Jesus happened to be staying in a town on the night I was assaulted. In an even larger stroke of luck, his phone was turned on. He immediately hitched a ride to a bus station and headed back into the city. He made it back only 6 hours after [...]
Posted in Rape Culture, Sexcapades, Soul Searching | Tagged | 3 Comments

An Update

Those of you that follow me on Twitter are already aware of the events of Monday night. For those of you that are not aware, I’m not going to beat around the bush. I was raped on Monday night. I refuse to get into the details, because they’re not important. Rehashing them won’t change what [...]
Posted in Rape Culture | Tagged | 24 Comments

Don’t Call It A Comeback

My job is exhausting. I spend all day tending to the needs of others. And those people are in early recovery from drug addiction, so they’re feeling all this stuff they have been numbing for so long. And that’s uncomfortable for them. And so everything becomes a crisis. They want want want and need need [...]
Posted in Griping and Kvetching and Bitching | 5 Comments
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