Monthly Archives: April 2011

Blame Jesus

So, this outfit was totes awesome, and once we got tipsy Jesus failed at photography. Dress: H&M. Fascinator (if one more person asks me if I PURPOSELY WORE IT TO CELEBRATE THE ROYAL WEDDING I may punch them: children’s boutique in Florida. Necklace: dunno. Blazer: H&M. Invisible shoes: purple satin flats, origin unknown. LOVE ME.
Posted in Wardrobe Malfunction | 1 Comment

Walking vs. Driving

After another argument about our lack of sex, Jesus and I decided to sit down once again to talk about it. I told him that I’d been the one whose advances were always turned down before, and I know how bad it feels. I understand that it feels like something is wrong with you and that [...]
Posted in Relationships, Sex Miscellany, Sexuality | Tagged | Leave a comment

Big Brother

Facebook is starting to scare me. I updated my status to this: And the second I hit “post,” the adverts on my sidebar changed to this: For the record, Facebook, you are wrong. I do not like either of those things, but thanks for playing.
Posted in Diarrhea of the Mind | 3 Comments

Our Humble Abode

Yesterday was our housewarming party at our new apartment, so I thought I’d share some pictures of our place. It will probably never be this clean again. The living room is my favorite room in the house right now. We got that couch on Craigslist for wicked cheap, and it’s beautiful (even though it feel [...]
Posted in I Am A Material Girl, I Want To Go To There, Wardrobe Malfunction | Tagged | 6 Comments

An Offer I Can’t Refuse

I may be the luckiest woman in the world. My boyfriend is more understanding than I could ever have expected anyone to be. We’ve been having a total lack of sex lately, and it makes both of us feel like crap. He does everything he can not to push or pressure me or make me [...]
Posted in Relationships, Sex Miscellany, Sexuality | Tagged | 6 Comments

Material Happiness

I want to share some of the things that I’ve purchased lately that I love love love. Because I find so much of the stuff I buy through other people’s blogs, I figure maybe people will find something they like here! She Belongs There roll-on perfume. I absolutely love the name of this scent, and [...]
Posted in I Am A Material Girl | 2 Comments

History Lesson

Jesus (who grew up in New Hampshire and Boston): “Okay, I’m trying to grasp this. So you didn’t have, like, Revolutionary War history field trips when you were in school? That’s just so… weird.” Me: “Well, seeing as Fort Lauderdale was founded in 1911, I’m going to let you figure that one out on your [...]
Posted in I Want To Go To There | Tagged | 6 Comments

Problem Solving

Lately, Jesus and I have not had much sex. This is in no way his choice. My sex drive has just completely disappeared.  Our desire discrepancy can really take a toll on our relationship. He becomes frustrated and often resentful, which is not how he wants to feel. He knows that I’m not choosing to [...]
Posted in Relationships, Sex Miscellany | Tagged | 5 Comments

Drunk Texting With Jess Manifesto

A few weeks ago, I got a drunk text from Jess Manifesto. I was asleep, and did not respond. But she did not stop. Here is the sequence of unanswered texts over the course of an hour: “Britni jni ni thr ftnk thbivr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!7!!!!7$7888888888888888888&&&” “Ynsuuuuuuuuuzruvjo” “Sk ugcb” “Inbound” “Vtibtioo” “Umbao vfeubk” “Sgrbri” “Okmggggff” “MSG GOP” “abbriie” [...]
Posted in Diarrhea of the Mind, Self Medication, With A Little Help From My Friends | Tagged | 4 Comments


I want to write about some of the struggles that Jesus and I have regarding his addiction, and the role that it often plays in our relationship. Although 90% of the time our relationship is scarily wonderful and perfect, there’s 10% of the time when we have to deal with drug and/or alcohol use. It’s [...]
Posted in Relationships, Self Medication | Tagged | 2 Comments
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