Monthly Archives: January 2011

Worlds Apart

I sent my mother the view from the hotel that Jesus and I spent the weekend in, located in rural New Hampshire. She responded with a picture of a view from the backyard of our Florida house. Totally different worlds. And my mom is funny.
Posted in I Want To Go To There, Parental Control | 3 Comments


Tonight, I’m taking Jesus to dinner to celebrate 30 days without heroin. I’m so proud of him, and he says he’s feeling better than he has in a long time. I know we’ve still got an uphill battle, but we can only take it one step and one day at a time. My recovery program [...]
Posted in Awesomeness | Tagged | Leave a comment

Truer Words

Image from Google Image search. No credit found.
Posted in Soul Searching | Leave a comment

Things I’m Currently Loving

You know you’re blogging mojo has up and left you when you find yourself posting about random products. Or maybe that’s just me. Anywho, I thought I’d talk about some products I’ve recently acquired and am loving, whether because they’re uber functional or just plain pretty. Lush Cosmetics skincare products. I recently pampered myself and [...]
Posted in I Am A Material Girl | 6 Comments

Out of My System

I saw The Bruiser when I was home a few weeks ago. And to be honest, I was really scared to see him. He’s always been my Exception, regardless of who I was dating. It didn’t matter how much I liked the person I was with, I could never say no when the opportunity to [...]
Posted in Relationships, Soul Searching | Tagged , | 12 Comments

How You Know When You Have The Very Best Partner in the History of the Entire World

When you are nothing short of a complete jerk to him in the morning, being totally stressed about coming home from vacation to a complete mess of an apartment, snapping at him over stupid shit, and slamming the apartment door as you leave for work and then come home 8 hours later to find that [...]
Posted in Relationships | Tagged | 4 Comments

Erogenous Zones: Head and Neck

Lilly is doing a sort of meme about different parts of the body as erogenous zones, and I thought I’d give it a shot. The first one is head and neck. My head is not really an erogenous zone for me, meaning that having my head rubbed or touched or scratched doesn’t turn me on. [...]
Posted in Sex Miscellany, Sexuality | Leave a comment
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