Monthly Archives: October 2010

Meet Jesus

So, I have a boyfriend. He will be referred to on this blog as Jesus. Meg named him because Jesus was Jewish and bearded (as is the guy) and did stuff with wine (this guy owns a bar). He likes the name because Jesus was also a carpenter, and was therefore “good with his wood.” [...]
Posted in Relationships | Tagged | 11 Comments

Why I Love Dan Savage

To follow up on my “Dan Savage Fail” post, I figured I’d post AWESOME DAN SAVAGE. Not necessarily in the form of great advice, but more along the lines of AWESOME PERSON stuff. In a Word… I have a serious cum fetish. I work odd hours, and my husband often watches porn and masturbates, which [...]
Posted in Awesomeness, Sexuality | Leave a comment


I’m a huge fan of Project Runway. Mondo is by far my favorite designer on the show. He’s quirky and he plays with color and pattern, which is something I love (which you’ve probably noticed, if you’ve ever seen anything I wear!). He wears fucking fantastic things, and is so fabulous that I almost can’t [...]
Posted in Culture Goes Pop, SGO | 3 Comments

Any Sex A Woman Doesn’t Want to Have is Rape

Normally I love Dan Savage. Granted, he can be a little transphobic and biphobic at times, but no one is perfect. And generally, he’s awesome. But then, there’s stuff like this. In case you can’t read the text, here it is: Any Sex a Woman Doesn’t Want to Have is Rape Let me cut to [...]
Posted in Griping and Kvetching and Bitching, Rape Culture | 22 Comments

Drunk Texting With Jess Manifesto: NYSBCP Edition

While at the Calendar Party, I received a drunk text from Jess Manifesto. I was SO EXCITED, since other people got to experience the wonder of Jess’ texts. It was an interactive event (all links added by me, obvi). Jess: Beteuni!!!!!! Jess: Inbat a wessj h! Jess: Wedding drunk fun knens head! Me: I’m at [...]
Posted in Self Medication, With A Little Help From My Friends | Tagged | 4 Comments

Wardrobe Malfunction: NYSBCP

I had a freaking blast at the Calendar Party. I met so many fantastic people, and if I tried to name them all, I know I’d forget someone, and I don’t want to do that! It was funny because, since I post my face, people walked right up to me and were like, “Britni!” Which [...]
Posted in Awesomeness, Wardrobe Malfunction, With A Little Help From My Friends | 5 Comments


Hey guys! As we speak I am headed to NYC for the Annual New York Sex Blogger Calendar Launch Party! I’m staying with Outspoken Clitic, and am super excited to meet all the awesome people that will be going! I’m already aware of a ton of people that will be there, thanks to Twitter, and [...]
Posted in Awesomeness | 3 Comments

What Can Men Do?

This is a fantastic post that I’ve reposted from Terry Brock. It always warms my cold, black heart to know that there ARE good men out there that are fighting this fight with us. To those men, thank you. After spending an hour fuming about the latest news regarding the failure of Prosecutor Stuart Dunnings [...]
Posted in Rape Culture | 1 Comment
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