Monthly Archives: June 2009

So Fresh And So Clean Clean

“Ain’t nobody dope as me I’m [just] so fresh so clean (So fresh and so clean clean) Don’t you think I’m so sexy I’m [just] so fresh so clean (So fresh and so clean clean)” -Outkast, So Fresh and So Clean
Posted in Foto | 6 Comments

I’m Not Obsessed With "Obsessed"

I don’t know how many of you are watching Obsessed* on A&E, but I’ve got some beef with that show. In fact, I’ve got *quite* a bone to pick with the producers of the show. I think it is dangerous and irresponsible and could quite possibly be a lawsuit waiting to happen. For those of [...]
Posted in Griping and Kvetching and Bitching, Psychobabble | 7 Comments

Being A Therapist In Therapy

Damian asked some very good questions in response to this post, so I thought I would explore some of them a little more. I thought most therapists today used a combination of Jungian, Freudian, CBT, etc as different tools in their tookit to deal with different problems. I’d be disappointed too if a therapist only [...]
Posted in Psychobabble | 6 Comments

Sore Yet Content

I fucked this last night.  I am not used to penises that large. My vagina hurts in the best possible way. I just found cum in my hair. But the best part? I fucked someone that is amazing to me. That kissed me and cuddled with me and told me I was beautiful. That looked [...]
Posted in Sexcapades | Tagged | 6 Comments

Shoe Therapy, FTW

My mom gave me a gift card to DSW Shoe Warehouse as a present for going to therapy yesterday. I had a rough day at work and really wanted something to cheer me up, so this was perfect. I got a nice pair of purple flats, since I don’t currently own any nice ones for [...]
Posted in I Am A Material Girl | 13 Comments

Hot Butches

Everyone should check out the Top 100 Hot Butches list, put together by Sinclair Sexsmith. The full name of the list is Top Hot Butches: The 100 hottest butch, masculine, androgynous, genderqueer, transmasculine, studs, AGs, dykes, queers, and transguys*, as not everyone on the list identifies as butch, or is even queer! Whatever the title, [...]
Posted in SGO, Standards of Beauty | 7 Comments

A Step Forward

Today is my first appointment with my new therapist. I’m actually really excited and proud of myself for finally making the appointment I’ve been avoiding for so long. One of my professors that knows me quite well recommended several people to me, and I looked them up before making some calls. I found it quite [...]
Posted in Psychobabble | 19 Comments


Sometimes song lyrics feel like they were written for you. I heard this song for the first time today while watching past seasons of So You Think You Can Dance and these lyrics immediately hit me and brought me to tears, as they were all too real for me. “I just poured my heart out [...]
Posted in Breaking Up Is Hard To Do | Tagged | 1 Comment

This Is Why Rape Isn’t Funny

Earlier today, my father was making rape jokes to my brother. Even before I was raped, I didn’t find these kinds of jokes funny. They make light of a very, very unfunny situation. Rape is no joke. It’s traumatic and frightening and devastating. Women are already marginalized in this society. As women, we already have [...]
Posted in Caterwauling About The Patriarchy, Griping and Kvetching and Bitching, Parental Control, Rape Culture | 2 Comments

Angry Feminist

Today was frustrating beyond belief for me. I’m very different from the people in my family, especially my dad. We agree not to talk about many things, but sometimes he just can’t help himself. The day began with the romantic comedy argument again, and in order to avoid getting upset, I just said that we [...]
Posted in Caterwauling About The Patriarchy, Griping and Kvetching and Bitching, Parental Control | 8 Comments
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