Monthly Archives: February 2011


I introduced Jesus to the Njoy Pure Wand last night. They were fast friends. The squirting was epic. Everyone was happy. The end.
Posted in Dildo, Population Control and Orgasmic Artillery, Sexcapades | Tagged | 1 Comment

Talking in His Sleep

Jesus, in his sleep: “And he goes up for the ball! That was a basketball metaphor. I make basketball metaphors.” Good to know. But he doesn’t even like basketball!
Posted in Awesomeness | Tagged | Leave a comment


The other morning, I was feeling sleepy and lazy, so I called in late to work, cuddled up with Jesus, and went back to sleep. A couple of hours later, I was feeling frisky, which was a nice surprise considering that my sex drive has been MIA as of late. I woke up Jesus and [...]
Posted in Sexcapades | Tagged | 5 Comments

Fighting Fair

All couples fight. It’s just part of being a couple, of being in a relationship. No matter how great your partnership is, you’re inevitably going to fight. Our problem lies, however, in the fact that neither Jesus or I learned to fight fair. We’ve  both dated dysfunctional people who always went for the jugular during [...]
Posted in Relationships | Tagged | 6 Comments

Filled With Lust

So, I’ve already showed you the things I’m currently loving. Now I’m gonna talk about the things I’m currently lusting after. Many of these items will be clothing, or related to my apartment, as I’m still in the process of furnishing and decorating it. This set of retro flatware. My apartment is really brightly colored, [...]
Posted in I Am A Material Girl | 2 Comments

A Big Step

Jesus and I have now exchanged keys to each others’ apartments. This could be trouble.
Posted in Relationships | Tagged | 1 Comment


Today should have been awesome. Last night, Jesus and I stayed in. I made us matzoh ball soup, we watched “Dead Like Me” on Netflix, we took a nice long bath with one of my Lush bath bombs, we had sex, we went to bed early, and we woke up before 11 without a hangover. [...]
Posted in Depression, Medication Diaries | Tagged | 6 Comments

Wardrobe Malfunction: Valentine’s Day

So, I hung out at the bar while my boyfriend worked for Valentine’s Day. We went to a spectacular dinner earlier in the week, knowing he would be working The Day Of. I dressed up anyway. I am wearing: Tutu dress, present from Jesus, courtesy of Proxy clothing Faux leather jacket by Bebe Black faux [...]
Posted in Wardrobe Malfunction | 4 Comments

I Suck

I’m having trouble finding things to write about. Being in a happy relationship (for me, at least) isn’t really conducive to blogging material for me. On top of that, I work a lot at a job that exhausts me both physically and emotionally. By the time I get home I’m either with Jesus at his [...]
Posted in Diarrhea of the Mind | Tagged | 2 Comments

This Is Why We’re Dating

Something I posted on Jesus’ wall: And yes, that one person that likes his comment is me.
Posted in Awesomeness, Relationships | Tagged | 4 Comments
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