
I have just started watching Mad Men on AMC, and I must say that I absolutely love the show. While it accurately represents women’s roles in the repressive and male dominated 1960s, one of the best things about it is how wonderfully normal the bodies of the characters and the actresses are.

Several of the actresses were asked to gain weight for the role, as the director “doesn’t like skinny women.” The women have curves, and are absolutely beautiful, unlike many of the gaunt, emaciated, and unattainable bodies of many actresses today.
The “sex pot” of the series, Joan, has a beautiful, voluptuous body that is enviable. She has hips and curves, and is considered sexy. That is awesome.

Even the strippers have normal bodies. This is not the best picture of her, but it was the only one I could find. She had a Marilyn Monroe-ish body, and is also hippy and curvaceous.

If only more women in popular culture looked more like these women. Then maybe normal women wouldn’t have such a complex, and would maybe realize how beautiful they are. Just the way they are.
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One Comment

  1. Molls
    Posted July 31, 2008 at 9:56 am | Permalink


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