Classless Irresponsibility

“I’m shooting a commercial for safe sex. How ironic. Because I don’t have that.” -Tila Tequila

Really? Really? And this woman is a celebrity? Young girls watch this woman and think she is cool? What kind of fucking moron is this woman?
She has this platform that could potentially let her do a lot of great things. She could be a positive example of bisexuality and show that it isn’t just about fucking anything that moves. But she is not. She could be an advocate for gay rights. But she is not (although, don’t forget that she is responsible for the legalization of gay marriage). And she could be a proponent of safer sex. But clearly she is not.
I mean, good for her for shooting a commercial about safe sex. But to actually publicly state that she doesn’t actually practice it is disgusting. Especially because she is shown on her show groping, touching, and spending the night with numerous individuals of both sexes.
This woman is a fucking joke. She is vile. Get her off of my damn TV.
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One Comment

  1. theybelongtous
    Posted August 1, 2008 at 5:43 pm | Permalink

    i totally agree…



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