Monthly Archives: November 2005

Clarification and Explanation

I’m responding to the anonymous comments from my previous post not as a defense, but more as an explanation. I know the comments were not left in a cruel vein, and trust me, I appreciate the honesty. I also know that a lot of other people probably feel the same way as anonymous about my [...]
Posted in Soul Searching | Leave a comment

A Reflective Post

TM, TM, TL just told me that he thinks that I’m just using him until someone better comes along. I think that he may be right. I like him, and I haven’t slept with anyone else since I’ve been single, but I’m not looking for commitment or a boyfriend right now. My heart isn’t ready. [...]
Posted in Breaking Up Is Hard To Do, Soul Searching | Tagged , | Leave a comment

I Am A Phone Sex Operator

Well, according to my friends I am. I have a permanently raspy voice that always sounds slightly like I’m starting to lose it. You know how when someone gets a cold and they suddenly have that “sexy” voice? Well, I guess that’s what mine sounds like all the time. So, I guess my calling in [...]
Posted in Diarrhea of the Mind, Sex Miscellany, With A Little Help From My Friends | Leave a comment

The ABCs of Britni

AffectionateBrazenCoquettishDominantEasy goingFree spiritedGenuineHeadstrongInsensitiveJubliantKinkyLiberalMessyNonconformistOutspokenPragmaticQuirkyResilientSexualTemerariousUnpredicatableVulgarWhimsicalX-ratedYoungZealous
Posted in Diarrhea of the Mind | Leave a comment

Sexual Frustration

Premature ejaculation is sometimes defined as ejaculation occurring three minutes or less after penetration, or after 10 thrusts or less. Why does this seem to be the case with every man that I date or sleep with consistently? It’s getting fucking frustrating already.
Posted in Griping and Kvetching and Bitching, Sex Miscellany, Sexcapades | Leave a comment
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