Monthly Archives: September 2005

Hair Be Gone

I decided to be spontaneous today. This is what my hair looked like when I woke up this morning (I don’t want to hear a word about the drunkeness or lack of makeup people. It’s nothing I don’t already know): This is the picture I came across and fell in love with: This is what [...]
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Making A Statement

Happy HNT y’all! I just received my new shirt in the mail today. Tell me how fucking cool it is. I dare you. For the record, I actually love giving head. I just thought this shirt was amazing.
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Funny Shit, Man

Googlism will find out what Google thinks of you, your friends or anything! Check yours out. The list was longish, so I picked out the best ones. Some of these are priceless. Apparently, there is some porn star that spells her name like me, so a lot of these talk about what a whore I [...]
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I Am A Good Neighbor

I have decided that I am the best neighbor ever. Let’s look at my track record of neighborliness in Boston, shall we? Freshman Dorm:I meet, sleep with, and date Jack Rabbit, who lives down the hall, on and off for most of the year.I meet, sleep with, and date Texas Tim, who lives down the [...]
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I Am Amazing

Things that occurred last night after I had imbibed quite a bit of alcohol: I said the words, “I’m not even drunk yet and I’m already awesome.” I made out with a 17 year old. I made out with Gay Mike. I made out with Gay Bobby. When some cunt told me that she was [...]
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Adventures in Being Single: Week 1

I’ve never had a problem with being single. I’ve always loved being available yet just out of reach, wanted but only securable for one night, admired from afar and then fucked all night. I enjoy the chase, the challange, the catch, and the immediate release. I always have. When I was single, I never really [...]
Posted in Self Medication, Sexcapades, Soul Searching | Leave a comment


“Intimacy (n): A relationship into which fools are providentially drawn for their mutual destruction.”  -Ambrose Bierce
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Single In The City

Well, all, I am officially back on the market. Please, everyone don’t jump at once, there is plenty of me to go around. Just take a number and get in line. I just listened to the person that I spent the last year of my life with tell me that our relationship was a sham [...]
Posted in Breaking Up Is Hard To Do, Griping and Kvetching and Bitching, Self Medication | Tagged | Leave a comment

So Confused

Most of you will not want to read through this entire post. It is more for me to figure out what the fuck is going on. I promised (Ex) Boyfriend that I would give him as much space and time as he needed to figure things out, if there was even the slightest chance that [...]
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The Day My Heart Was Broken

The day before classes were set to start, and the day after he had helped me move into my new apartment, Boyfriend broke up with me. Out of nowhere. Completely blind sided me. We had just made plans to spend my 21st and his 23rd birthday in NYC in December, and he broke up with [...]
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