Category Archives: I Am A Material Girl

How To Actually Buy The Perfect Valentine’s Day Gift: Jewelry

I’m not into cliche jewelry. Diamonds and hearts and gold never really did it for me. However, I do love jewelry in general, and I do think it’s a great gift. These are some things that I like, and may work better and be a little more personal for your girl than some of the [...]
Also posted in Relationships | 1 Comment

How To Actually Buy The Perfect Valentine’s Day Gift: For Sexytime

Sex toys are very popular Valentine’s Day gifts. I know this because I used to work at an adult toy store. VD and Christmas were our two busiest times. But why would you want to buy your girlfriend some crappy toy just because it’s VD themed? You wouldn’t. Get her something that she (or both [...]
Also posted in Population Control and Orgasmic Artillery, Relationships, Sex Miscellany | 2 Comments

How To Actually Buy The Perfect Valentine’s Day Gift: For The Boudoir

I posted recently about totally cliche Valentine’s Day gifts. And while many of the things were cliche, the idea of buying someone a sex toy or lingerie or jewelry isn’t necessarily a bad one. I’m going post about things that I would love to get if I was going to be getting any of these [...]
Also posted in Relationships, Sex Miscellany | 3 Comments

How To Buy The Perfect Valentine’s Day Gift

Valentine’s Day is supposed to be about showing that special someone in your life that you care about them. You buy them extravagant gifts, take them out for a pricey dinner, and hope to get some candlelight and rose petal induced nookie (because love=spending money. Don’t ever forget that). Valentine’s Day is a day to [...]
Also posted in Griping and Kvetching and Bitching, Relationships | 11 Comments

What’s In The Bag?

When I lived in Boston, I always carried a large bag and had everything but in the kitchen sink with me at all times. Now, I tend to carry small clutches and take only the necessities when I go out. So what’s in my bag when I go out for a night on the town? [...]
Posted in I Am A Material Girl | 5 Comments


I tend to rotate my perfumes between a few different scents, all very similar in nature. These are my favorites. Stila Creme Bouquet. Stila’s Créme Bouquet is a sweet, dessert-like fragrance. Notes of vanilla, pink lilac and lily of the valley are blended with feminine notes to create a lush, warm aroma. Real, hand-pressed flowers [...]
Posted in I Am A Material Girl | 4 Comments

Sex Toy Wishlist

It’s the holidays, and you know what that means! Presents! I don’t have much (read: any) money this year, so I won’t be buying much (read: anything) for anyone, but I thought I would put together my naughty wish list for Santa, in case he is a perv who reads this blog. Gigi vibrator by [...]
Also posted in Population Control and Orgasmic Artillery | 2 Comments

Peace. Love. Humanity.

At my training for my internship, one of the girls in the session was wearing a hoodie that I absolutely loved. When I inquired as to where she got it, she told me that she has her own line and handed me her card. Her title is “Director of Possibilities.” Awesome. The line is called [...]
Posted in I Am A Material Girl | 1 Comment

Tarina Tarantino

Tarina Tarantino is a designer who makes jewelry, hair accessories, and handbags. Her stuff is amazing, and most of it I could never, ever afford. Check out how fun her stuff is. I want it all: So, who’s got 300 bucks lying around to buy me a necklace? Yeah, that’s what I thought. 
Posted in I Am A Material Girl | 2 Comments

Bitchin’ Belts

I was recently on Hot Topic (shut up)’s webpage looking around and was totally amazed at the number of studded belts (which I love) they have. But it wasn’t just the number of studded belts that surprised me, it was the variety of them and all the fun colors and patterns they come in. Belts [...]
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